
LightsaberForPresident August 16, 2024 6:32 pm

I know no one wants to see the grape part and I'm sure the author could have done things differently. But look at red heads actions so far, he's only focused on what he wants. Even going as far as forcing and manipulating. This isn't exactly out of the realm of possibilities now that he's terrified of losing him, he's trying to use force again to keep him.

    mary August 16, 2024 7:02 pm

    Exactly this is completely in character for him. I also wanted him to improve, but I’m not surprised. He’s consistently acted this way since the first chapter. I expected the scene to go this way last week, though of course that doesn’t make this chapter any easier to read.

    LightsaberForPresident August 16, 2024 8:21 pm
    Exactly this is completely in character for him. I also wanted him to improve, but I’m not surprised. He’s consistently acted this way since the first chapter. I expected the scene to go this way last week,... mary

    Oh I totally agree. I wanted him to try harder! Like you barely made a change and now you're upset because things didn't automatically go your way?!?!