Also, while I'm open-minded to reincarnation tropes, I felt with such an asshole like Carsein, this one was almost unnecessary. It brought in some good (like Gigorro, nightmares leading to cuddle time) yet it also brought in a lot of shit (Domis impersonator, Carsein, mistaken memories of Domis & Carsein, Carsein-) and so far has done nothing versatile.
Half of the harem fucking sucks, her family fucking sucks, poor Latril has to deal with this shit as if it wasn't like she never coveted the throne (therefore she didn't study, she didn't make social connections, etc.) or to be some fucked up doomsday Lord (which she literally had no choice over being, although I wish she wasn't in denial. I'm sure a good amount of her problems could be solved smoother if she thought of it logically instead of acting like it's giving herself up to legend.)
Out of the harem, I love Klein, Taris, The Great Sage (genuinly can't think of your name, my b, bro)-
Anyways, had so much more to say but I got distracted and lost the rest of my steam. Not a bad story, but man what a shitfest. If this was taken more seriously I would have loved to see Latis have severe health issues despite her being the adversary/Lord due to her complete lack of rest or even a break. Nosebleeds, passing out... and then watching her true beloveds take care of her while the rest fuck off.
Speaking of lost steam, FUCK YOU in particular, fukin SORONAUCHE (GUARD CHILDHOOD BF FUK EVER). Had a fine 10/10 gal and despite your supposed commitment and internal promises you gave her up immediate when Carsein revived your dumbass from dying due to her stupid af fukin brother who literally pushed Latis into following the stupid prophecy that he'd known before going to Church- fuk!!