Okay, I get now why he’s hiding the fact that Jiwoon’s siblings want to meet him! It�...

BobbMoon August 16, 2024 4:16 pm

Okay, I get now why he’s hiding the fact that Jiwoon’s siblings want to meet him! It’s because he’s the reason why Jiwoon found out about his parents willingly abandoning him and starting another family without him. They didn’t even try checking in on him all those years either! That’s why they were shocked when Jiwoon revealed to them about how his life was like living with his grandmother. But Suha is being too overprotective here. He needs to tell him about his siblings and ask Jiwoon himself what he wants to do. Because only he would know if he could handle it or not. Also, Suha couldn’t have predicted the family situation when he first found Jiwoon’s parents and took him there to see them. So it isn’t really his fault and shouldn’t allow his guilt to drive his choices right now. The siblings have the right to reach out in an attempt to connect with Jiwoon. They are innocent and have nothing to do with their parent's and grandmother’s decisions. It is also apparent that Jiwoon has been supporting them from a distance too. So he does care about them and probably will want to connect with them. But no one will know for sure if Suha doesn’t allow it to happen or tell Jiwoon about it.

    LuG August 16, 2024 4:56 pm

    Yes, you're right, that is. But, even so, he has to tell him about his siblings' desire to get in touch with him imho. From this point on he can be by his side and help him to cope the situation, whatever decision he'll make about his relationship with them. He's keeping anxious 3 people