eXACTLY, Hyunwoo is just projecting his ex into Iltak because they look similar and the breaking part was when Iltak unknowingly triggered Hyunwoo?? Like why are you blaming Iltak for just wanting to stop the fight just so he wouldn't get his shit handled to him by Hyunjoo? Iltak doesn't even know Hyunwoo's gf for fs so for Hyunwoo to get pissy like he's cheating is so stupid.

Honestly, I hope he ends up with none of them because they're both a headache, Hyunjoo the groper and Hyunwoo the delulu, they should just stay as having highschool crushes or the one that got away type of trope, it's not like anyone of them actually cares about Iltak IMO, they've got their own personal benefits and Iltak is better off without any of them after high school ~~ though the ship sounds good on paper
Honestly, HONESTLYYY, the manga/manwha artist makes a pattern of giving Hyunwoo and his ex way too much of overlap with Hyunwoo and Iltak, t this point, its not even hard to say that Hyunwoo is projecting his ex into Iltak because Iltak has been cool-buddy-buddy with him in school AND after school, added with his feminine features he's gonna be idealizing his ex onto Iltak and it would make sense on Hyunwoo's part.
On Iltak's part though, bro is just doing all of this for survival, he is getting all his shit beaten UPP, it's karma of course with the bs he's done in the past but no less tragic. His bitchy attitude is valid and irritating at the same tho, shit i would be too if mfs kept harassing me