Idk bro yall need to chill 😭 Saw a comment saying ppl r overreacting and overhating on ...

NVismyname August 16, 2024 10:27 am

Idk bro yall need to chill Saw a comment saying ppl r overreacting and overhating on derrick, and I agree. Like yes, he made some dick moves in the past and may have romantic feelings for penelope, but I dont think he deserves this much hate considering he's also a victim

Dont even bring up the comparison of the duke and reynold. I get that the duke and reynold may have broken out of their brainwashing easier than derrick, but consider their family positions. The duke is a father with guilt towards Penelope and does care for her as a daughter. Reynold is the second son and may have hated Penelope earlier in the story, but I feel like after the attic scene, he came to a better understanding of her life and her as a person and began to change his perspective.

Derrick on the other hand is the eldest child and heir to the duke. Bro's got responsibilities and duties to uphold as an heir bruh. He not only has his heir duties but also holds guilt over the loss of yvonne as an older brother (this shit does stuff to your mental health as a kid bruh); ofc he's gonna feel some mixed emotions bout Penelope growing up. It isnt wrong to not see Penelope as a sister when ure in his position as an eldest bro and heir who has to consider a lot of other things. We also can't forget how "old Penelope" acted in the past as well. Developing romantic feelings in his situation is an unfortunate fact, but he hasn't done any unspeakable thing to rlly condemn him to hell. Like cmon, we've had worse "brother" characters in other stories. Derrick is nothing.

With his weak and complicated feelings towards Penelope and the shocking return of Yvonne, I'm not surprised he's unable to fully break out of the brainwashing. It's clear he does have some care for her from his true thoughts (some of yall do not have any reading comprehension like obviously he's unable to voice his true thoughts, he's brainwashed bruh). Let's not forget this "Yvonne" has also brainwashed *another character* (spoilers) and I hear he has also been unable to fully break out of her grasp as well which resulted in Penelope's long suffering throughout lifetimes.

    ganberry August 16, 2024 10:44 am

    Might be spoiler
    Nah, he deserves the hate. He's constantly been shit to her for no reason even before Yvonne came. His trust in her easily crumbles, so is his feelings for her. It doesn't come out of a wholesome familial feelings *SPOILER ALERT* unlike Reynold. His feelings is selfish like Eclis, wanting to own her while not caring what she ACTUALLY wants. *ANOTHER SPOILER* even with Penelope almost dying, he'd still put all the blame on her! Poor Pene even in death she's still blamed. Even Penelope is disgusted with him and his feelings after he admits his faults afer veing brainwashed.

    blossom August 16, 2024 10:44 am

    just bc hes under mind control now doesnt diminish anything hes done or is going to do “yes he may have made dick moves and have romantic feelings for pen” is so out of touch that it’s laughable. but each their own ig?

    Pkokoi August 16, 2024 12:15 pm

    THIS! Literally! Its like calling people assaulters when they know their violent thoughts are bad and havent acted upon it. He's not a good guy and that's realistic. Is it disgusting he feel that way towards penelope? Heck yeah! But as long as he doesn't act upon it then it fine.

    Inner turmmoil inside a character love-hate-guilt relationship is interesting to explore. Alsour right about that other stories point, we have other OIs that are worse than this and they're the main couple that receive support(?!) I feel that because of how the story clearly direct the readers to view Derrick as not so much of a good guy we find it easier to hate on him. (That's good since not every character has to really fawn over Fls which makes the world interesting)