What chapter when Kagiura gave earing to Hirano? Or is it on SasaMiya? I just reread them ...

Sakura_Nono August 16, 2024 7:57 am

What chapter when Kagiura gave earing to Hirano? Or is it on SasaMiya? I just reread them and didn't think I found the scene :(

    kim__kai August 16, 2024 11:13 pm

    I think it was way b4 the beginning of the manga and we didn't get it as a flashback yet, or I missed it?

    s t 4 r August 18, 2024 9:35 pm

    Uh i hink i read it, i remember it but idk where, its been long since i came back

    dokja August 23, 2024 4:45 pm

    its in the novel, he gave them as hirano's bday gift

    Sho September 13, 2024 10:28 pm

    it's at the beginning of Vol. 3 Ch. 16.5 <33 there's like a 2 page flashback of when Kagi gave them to him