Last read: Chapter 82 Nowp i cant— im puking bcz of his damn brother. I can't handle the...

Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 16, 2024 7:36 am

Last read: Chapter 82
Nowp i cant— im puking bcz of his damn brother. I can't handle the FL too. Gurl I understand your scared but yA GOTTA WAKE TF UP! He's not controlling you anymore! You are married and blessed with a good, loving, gorgeous husband!!! This couldve been good if Ruby's action and decisions are different. Sure, she can be weak and scaredy cat but its better if she had a character development where she learns to fight and protect herself– not physically but mentally and better decision making. AAAHH! IT wouldve been good if the fl is skillful or using her damn brain than being secretive and clumsy!!!

    bibblesb August 16, 2024 10:07 am

    I mean izek wasnt really fond of her either in the first place and was really cold towards her, she was married off to a random stranger so its normal that it takes time for someone to open up. Mostly after youve been abused your whole life. Imagine your getting married to someone of course you dont immidiately tell them your past it takes time and trust which must be build.

    Etch August 16, 2024 12:24 pm

    the ml and mc will come together because they love each other but the road there is not easy. you have a traumatized mc that has been abused her whole life, she's never known true care and love. the ml is a cold, aloof man that is realistically portrayed. he's not the typical "cold ml that is only kind to fl" he actually needed time to know the fl, and sympathize and fall in love with her. he wasn't created to only be her soulmate- alpha- all powerful male god. He's more fleshed out than other ml's out there for example with how he developed some feelings for the past Ruby who was definitely a villain but was also a victim, he's not just there to be Fl's tagalong. A victim of abuse like Ruby will not go "because of your love i gained the power to fight back against my lifetime abusers" this is not the shoujo of the 90's with their borderline bipolar personality. Honestly I understand you are frustrated because you just want Ruby to be happy now. but imagine telling your traumatized friend to get over themselves, to just learn to cope, and to use their brain, i don't know i hope you gain more self awareness in case you hurt people in real life due to being inconsiderate.

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 16, 2024 11:50 pm
    the ml and mc will come together because they love each other but the road there is not easy. you have a traumatized mc that has been abused her whole life, she's never known true care and love. the ml is a col... Etch

    Okay? I'm just frustrated. I'm not the only one and why you have to say that im inconsiderate when you dont even know me.

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 16, 2024 11:54 pm
    the ml and mc will come together because they love each other but the road there is not easy. you have a traumatized mc that has been abused her whole life, she's never known true care and love. the ml is a col... Etch

    Okay? I'm just frustrated. I'm not the only one and rude. Why you have to say that im inconsiderate when you dont even know me. I'm just commenting on what i think abt this. Why you have to get mad

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 12:59 am
    the ml and mc will come together because they love each other but the road there is not easy. you have a traumatized mc that has been abused her whole life, she's never known true care and love. the ml is a col... Etch

    And you are funny. What do you mean the ml is realistically portrayed Dude you hardly met someone like him irl. Idk what country or planet you are from and read my post again until what chap i stopped and yeah he is cold at her AT FIRST! But he changed if you read the story on how he's trying to make Ruby comfortable and happy at his home. And yeah I can see he is trying to make an effort to understand Ruby's life with her family

    Etch August 17, 2024 10:47 am
    Okay? I'm just frustrated. I'm not the only one and why you have to say that im inconsiderate when you dont even know me. Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated

    i know you are frustrated and i don't know you, you are not the first and last person to have the opinion that a character should "just use their brain" instead of acting the way their trauma and upbringing has them act (which is erratic, illogical, and insecure.) i'm also just telling you how cruel that opinion sounds in case it never crossed your mind. imagine telling a traumatized girl to "use their brain" how is that helpful? i don't want to sound holier than thou but this opinion is so common in manga like this and i'm not sure if it's due to pure ignorance or actual malice. let me clear no one wants to be called inconsiderate, but that is how you and others with that opinion come across.

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 12:48 pm
    i know you are frustrated and i don't know you, you are not the first and last person to have the opinion that a character should "just use their brain" instead of acting the way their trauma and upbringing ha... Etch

    "Imagine telling a traumatized girl to use their brain. How is that helpful?" dude u better stop. I wouldnt even know if the person is traumatized or not if i met one irl. Especially if the person is keeping it a secret. How would I help her if she's not telling me? Why are you trying to make me feel bad? Why are you not using your brain? Oh im sorry are u traumatized as well? How would I know since I dont know you. You get my point.

    Etch August 17, 2024 3:14 pm
    "Imagine telling a traumatized girl to use their brain. How is that helpful?" dude u better stop. I wouldnt even know if the person is traumatized or not if i met one irl. Especially if the person is keeping it... Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated

    I really hope you don't do that in real life. I'm not mad at you specifically, just frustrated from comments like this and yours was the first one I saw. You did tell a traumatized girl to "use their brain, you were speaking to Ruby in your first comment, and you definitely realize that she is acting like that due to her traumatic life. I don't want to tell you what to do, since you don't seem like a bad kid, but don't tell abuse victims even fictional ones to stop being dumb and get over it. Genuinely, have a good life.

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 3:43 pm
    I really hope you don't do that in real life. I'm not mad at you specifically, just frustrated from comments like this and yours was the first one I saw. You did tell a traumatized girl to "use their brain, you... Etch

    Let me get this straight. I am not a bad person just because I criticize a character because of her

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 3:50 pm
    I really hope you don't do that in real life. I'm not mad at you specifically, just frustrated from comments like this and yours was the first one I saw. You did tell a traumatized girl to "use their brain, you... Etch

    Let me get this straight. I am not a bad person just because I criticize a character because of her fears, trauma and insecurities. In fact, I empathize with her but its getting frustrated by the lack of character and progress over time. And I'm just expressing it as a reader. But if the creator kill her, does that make her a bad person? No, right? I dont know why you are being presumptuous and assuming I will tell traumatised people to get over it.

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 3:59 pm
    I really hope you don't do that in real life. I'm not mad at you specifically, just frustrated from comments like this and yours was the first one I saw. You did tell a traumatized girl to "use their brain, you... Etch

    "Sure, she can be weak and scaredy cat but its better if she had a character development where she learns to fight and protect herself– not physically but mentally and better decision making. — IT wouldve been good if the fl is skillful or using her brain than being secretive and clumsy!!!" If you read it, really hard. I am just expressing frustration on her action over, over time. Because yeah I know shes traumatized. That's why I'm also not saying she should trust and believe her husband. I just want her to be brave and yeah smart just for one important event than being clumsy since he cant be honest with him. Do you understand, now?

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 17, 2024 4:20 pm
    I really hope you don't do that in real life. I'm not mad at you specifically, just frustrated from comments like this and yours was the first one I saw. You did tell a traumatized girl to "use their brain, you... Etch

    "I don't want to tell you what to do, since you don't seem like a bad kid, but don't tell abuse victims even fictional ones to stop being dumb and get over it. Genuinely, have a good life." - You're really funny. How can you be so sure I'm a kid? And I don't have a hobby telling traumatized people to get over their personal issues. You're presumptuous. Use your brain. You clearly not traumatised so get that brain workin. Have a good life too.

    Etch August 18, 2024 2:11 am

    If you're not a kid and you're this oblivious then you're just stupid I guess? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Dopenshmirtz BL Incorporated August 18, 2024 4:08 am
    If you're not a kid and you're this oblivious then you're just stupid I guess? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Etch

    You guess? Well i can tell youre a teen and you're a clown, no brain with inconsiderate face. You should go back to kinder, yeah? If youre brain is hopeless then maybe fix your attitude? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭