Let me tell you what i vaguely remember....the read head bitcch drugged the emperor and accused him of r-wording her and he had to marry her due to the pressure from her family. According to the red head bitchhhh, azela is a product of r word which is not true cause the emperor knows he never slept with the red head bitch. He does has a vague idea that azela is not his daughter but the emperor can't go against the red heads family yet cause they got powerful people backing her up. He will devise a plan to expose her. And from what I can remember azela is not human? Like she was created by the red head through black magic or sum like that.
this is such a cute story but its just so sad that the bio dad has another daughter who he cant love just cuz she isnt born with divine power???
like even if u dont like her mother, thats still your daughter bro (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
and yes i know the daughter is “evil” but like the dad dont know that, so why is he saying he cant love her!!?