TLDR: Yall overhate on Derrick. He didnt do anything that warrant this much hate. Y'all ...

Pkokoi August 16, 2024 4:59 am

TLDR: Yall overhate on Derrick. He didnt do anything that warrant this much hate.

Y'all overhating on Derrick ngl. Personally, I don't think he's done anything toward Penelope that's considered REALLY FUCKING BAD.

He doesn't acknowledge her in her childhood, he doesn't trust her in that trial attempted assasination trial, and he doesn't like having Eckles around.
(Please let me know if there are any other actions maybe you can even change my mind.)

I won't count this brainwashed incident because clearly he's a victim too.

Other than that that's really it. Some of y'all are too enthusaistic saying the man should kill him self when he barely did any shit he consented to ngl. If you wanna throw hands throw em at Yvvone

    aLil_Goofy August 16, 2024 5:23 am

    No bc I completely agree. There are justifications to be pissed at Derreck but they're all past things he's done. I don't like that he treated Penelope like he did but I'm not finna hate on him for bringing Yvonne to Penelope's coming-of-age ceremony because he's brainwashed. Like, do people just not understand what being brainwashed implies? Am I defending him? Honestly yeah I am. I wouldn't be saying anything if it was something he did and he was fully under control of himself and aware of his surroundings and actions that were being taken. But it clearly showed and has been presented to us, the readers, that Yvonne has him under control and he is not aware of anything. He didn't even fully remember or understand that Penelope was poisoned and he was standing right there staring at her like?? And when he tried to speak up and ask if she was okay he was unable and prevented from speaking up. Literally. Now I will say it is fair game that his mind and his will were weak enough to be brainwashed but tbh even then it's not enough justification and the amount of hate and criticism he's receiving is honestly dramatic and immature. But hey, thats my take on it.

    pastaaaa August 16, 2024 5:38 am
    No bc I completely agree. There are justifications to be pissed at Derreck but they're all past things he's done. I don't like that he treated Penelope like he did but I'm not finna hate on him for bringing Yvo... aLil_Goofy

    pretty funny considering Reynold was also brainwashed but had an ounce of rational thinking and comprehension that he snapped out of it bc common sense, but sure the sister diddler needs our sympathy

    Esti August 16, 2024 6:02 am
    pretty funny considering Reynold was also brainwashed but had an ounce of rational thinking and comprehension that he snapped out of it bc common sense, but sure the sister diddler needs our sympathy pastaaaa

    EXACTLY i feel no sympathy for Derrick tje rest of family wasn't even brainwashed for long and when they were if was only when Yvonne was NEXT to them. And it also wasn't that they were fighting hard the brainwashing it was just that they cared for Penelope

    Pkokoi August 16, 2024 8:42 am
    pretty funny considering Reynold was also brainwashed but had an ounce of rational thinking and comprehension that he snapped out of it bc common sense, but sure the sister diddler needs our sympathy pastaaaa

    It's still victim blaming. Its great that Reynold can break out of it, yes, but, okay that's Reynold. People are different. Reynold hold good opinions about Penelope, but Derrick's more complex hate-like. So of course it'd be easier. The sister diddler part is uncalled for, things like that happen in the novel and I won't hate on a character that hasn't done anything in that nature so far in the manhwa.

    Pkokoi August 16, 2024 8:49 am
    EXACTLY i feel no sympathy for Derrick tje rest of family wasn't even brainwashed for long and when they were if was only when Yvonne was NEXT to them. And it also wasn't that they were fighting hard t... Esti

    I'm sorry but why don't you blame it more on Yvonne who's doing the brainwashing? Why are blaming it on brainwashed.

    Derrick's blaming himself for Yvonne's disappearance and that does a lot of stuff to child mental health. So when his dearest sister who he thought was gone forever come back safe. He'd have more appreciation towards Yvonne who's in his memories only done nicer things than Penelope who's done worse actions (Ik stemmed from not meeting her needs for attention.)

    That's a whole lot of emotion happening all at once.

    Gaga Vixen August 16, 2024 9:06 am
    I'm sorry but why don't you blame it more on Yvonne who's doing the brainwashing? Why are blaming it on brainwashed.Derrick's blaming himself for Yvonne's disappearance and that does a lot of stuff to child men... Pkokoi

    People are not mad just because he is brainwashed or some shit they are furious because he had romantic feeling towards Pen and that made him more inclined towards her manipulation because of his guilt. He never even tried to see Pen as his family member like the dad and younger brother, they eventually tried and accepted her as a family and where not easily brainwashed. His romentic feelings towards Pen are disgusting knowing how his dad bought home Pen as his missing daughter not some random girl.

    Gaga Vixen August 16, 2024 9:07 am
    I'm sorry but why don't you blame it more on Yvonne who's doing the brainwashing? Why are blaming it on brainwashed.Derrick's blaming himself for Yvonne's disappearance and that does a lot of stuff to child men... Pkokoi

    People are not mad just because he is brainwashed or some shit they are furious because he had romantic feeling towards Pen and that made him more inclined towards her manipulation because of his guilt. He never even tried to see Pen as his family member like the dad and younger brother, they eventually tried and accepted her as a family and where not easily brainwashed. His romentic feelings towards Pen are disgusting knowing how his dad bought home Pen as his missing daughter not some random girl. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Cazador_de_sirenas August 16, 2024 12:14 pm

    Oh, so six years of mental abuse and emotional mistreatment is nothing to be angry about for you? Whoa, your bar for hate must be really low... or really high, not sure.

    Pkokoi August 16, 2024 12:24 pm
    Oh, so six years of mental abuse and emotional mistreatment is nothing to be angry about for you? Whoa, your bar for hate must be really low... or really high, not sure. Cazador_de_sirenas

    Compared to the physical abuse Reynold has done and The Duke's who role is to be a good parental figure, I feel Derrick's ignoring her is fairly little.

    Idk that's just how I feel. Maybe his action in the future will change my mind but not for now. I can't remember much since its been a long time since the first couple of chapters.

    I don't necessary mind Derrick getting hated on when he does bad stuff. I just think some of yall over reacted with the 'kys'

    aLil_Goofy August 16, 2024 2:13 pm
    pretty funny considering Reynold was also brainwashed but had an ounce of rational thinking and comprehension that he snapped out of it bc common sense, but sure the sister diddler needs our sympathy pastaaaa

    Uhm excuse me did u not read the part where I said "derreck being weak enough to be brainwashed is fair game"? I think I made it pretty clear that if it was literally anything else I wouldn't be saying anything. I'd actually be agreeing bc derreck is a piece of shit for how he treated penelope. But I don't think he deserves as much hate as he does for actions he's taken while being brainwashed and not even having a full understanding of what he's done.

    pastaaaa August 16, 2024 2:32 pm
    It's still victim blaming. Its great that Reynold can break out of it, yes, but, okay that's Reynold. People are different. Reynold hold good opinions about Penelope, but Derrick's more complex hate-like. So of... Pkokoi

    insane response for the sister diddler part, u really think they haven't been foreshadowing this shit up to this point lmao, he can not mean his actions by means of brainwashing and still inflict a hell of a lot damage, and even with the aftermath he never grows or strives to be a better person outside his own selfish bubble so??? does he go omg that was horrible i cant believe i did that let me be a better person to you penelope! no he stays exactly the same bc that is the root of his character: selfish. pretty normal thing to hate added on the fact that he is a sister diddler whether u want to stay blind to it or not lol

    You are also not understanding why Reynold broke off, he did not break off just bc he has a better preference to Penelope, it was literally bc he has better rational reasoning of things regardless, just like how some ppl aren't just sheep hive when given propaganda. Derrick let his own emotions (the ones which make him a sister diddler) get in the way and that's why he was more susceptible, with his own self-loathing of the fact that she was his sister and could not be his.

    pastaaaa August 16, 2024 2:43 pm
    Uhm excuse me did u not read the part where I said "derreck being weak enough to be brainwashed is fair game"? I think I made it pretty clear that if it was literally anything else I wouldn't be saying anything... aLil_Goofy

    so what's the response to him eventually coming off from brainwashing and showing no remorse or development towards being a better person? at least eclis reflected after snapping out of it. it's not that his "will was weak enough", it's fundamentally his own selfishness that led him to being susceptible. I would not call his "tendency to like his own sister and psychological try to break off any ties of sibling relationship with her even if it translates to vitriol for his own selfish gain" his will. it's just called being as I said before, being a sister diddler

    aLil_Goofy August 16, 2024 3:02 pm
    so what's the response to him eventually coming off from brainwashing and showing no remorse or development towards being a better person? at least eclis reflected after snapping out of it. it's not that his "w... pastaaaa

    okay, and I didn't know that. I don't know what's going to happen in future chapters i didn't read the novel or read any spoilers. I'm going off based on what was already revealed in the recent chapters and what I get from it. but if he doesn't change even after being brainwashed then you're not gonna see me stand up for him. I'm not standing up for him bc he's brainwashed and that automatically makes him a victim he's a piece of shit through and through. I only said I'm standing up for him bc this single action alone that he's done (bringing Yvvone to the coming of age ceremony and defying what the duke ordered him not to do) I don't think should warrant more hate bc he's unaware. Thats it. Like I said in my first reply everything else is literally fair game. I wouldn't care if y'all said you'd twist his balls off and use them as Christmas ornaments. shit, I'd probably be in the replies saying "Yes and paint them purple" he deserves that hate. I just don't think this particular instance should be fully counted with everything else that has been done or going to be done and feel Yvvone should be getting more hate here than Derreck bc she's the one literally pushing Penelope to suicide and ruining her life. If I'm in the wrong here then I apologize but that's just my take on this from my own point of view on what I've read myself and gotten from everything.

    pastaaaa August 16, 2024 3:11 pm
    okay, and I didn't know that. I don't know what's going to happen in future chapters i didn't read the novel or read any spoilers. I'm going off based on what was already revealed in the recent chapters and wha... aLil_Goofy

    his brainwashing fully worked exactly bc his feelings aligned with his irrational reasoning, and its precisely bc he is fundementally selfish and continues to be selfish that allows him to do the things that he does and i think thats why there is so much hate for his character, and for Yvonne I think ppl are still kinda in the cloud for her exact motives and line of thinking that plot her against Penelope if we're thinking non spoiler way so she just becomes a blank slate of a character that happens to be antagonistic right now

    Esti August 16, 2024 4:14 pm
    I'm sorry but why don't you blame it more on Yvonne who's doing the brainwashing? Why are blaming it on brainwashed.Derrick's blaming himself for Yvonne's disappearance and that does a lot of stuff to child men... Pkokoi

    Why i don't blame it more on Yvonne YET is bc we only know she's evil but we're not shown ywt what exactly she did except for brainwashing so i don't have a lot to jugde her for. But we know serrek and i fully belive he would have done it anyway even if he wasn't brainwashed and i think that bc he nevwr was a good person or even tried to see Penelope as his family. So i don't hate him just for the last thing he did but the fact that he didn't change how he sees Penelope that much from the start of the story

    Cazador_de_sirenas August 16, 2024 4:22 pm
    Compared to the physical abuse Reynold has done and The Duke's who role is to be a good parental figure, I feel Derrick's ignoring her is fairly little. Idk that's just how I feel. Maybe his action in the futur... Pkokoi

    Hey, it's ok, your opinion is as valid as anyone's else! It just surprised me, that's all.
    Derrick didn't ignore Penny, if it had been only that then the damage would have been a lot lesser. But for what we've seen, he constantly harrassed her and 'disciplined' her for the family's good name and reputation. Not even once he supported her or cared about her, so no wonder Penny (both original and current) considered him an unrealiable brother.
    However, I agree with you about the kys comment. That's not something anyone should tell someone, no matter how fictional. Personally I want to see him punished and suffering for the pain he caused Penny, I want him to realize his wrongdoings and repent.

    Esti August 16, 2024 4:22 pm
    insane response for the sister diddler part, u really think they haven't been foreshadowing this shit up to this point lmao, he can not mean his actions by means of brainwashing and still inflict a hell of a lo... pastaaaa

    THIS exactly he never changes he thinks he's always right and don't see that he EVER did anything wrong. He does not take any responsibility for his actions or even think of them he's just like "hmmm they ar3 being dramatic/emotional for no reason ". And i don't see much change from the derrek we meet at the beginning to the one we know now.
    And for the brainwashing it's shown that it isn't really that strong if you JUST THINK the rest of family was like wtf was that make no sense and broke free but he's delusional on for him there isn't much difference bc he never even tried treating Penelope better.

    Esti August 16, 2024 4:29 pm
    his brainwashing fully worked exactly bc his feelings aligned with his irrational reasoning, and its precisely bc he is fundementally selfish and continues to be selfish that allows him to do the things that he... pastaaaa

    YESSS i just don't know a lot about Yvonne from manwha we know only that she's somesort of witch, is using mirror pieces to brainwash people and i think she tried to poison herself on the party and blame in on Penelope? But other yhen that we don't know anything. We're not sure if she even is the REAL daughter and if she what happened and what she want. Bit with Derrick we know a lot and we know that he's a selfish quit narcissistic asshole that never changed.

    aLil_Goofy August 16, 2024 4:34 pm
    his brainwashing fully worked exactly bc his feelings aligned with his irrational reasoning, and its precisely bc he is fundementally selfish and continues to be selfish that allows him to do the things that he... pastaaaa

    I wouldn't say Yvvone is a blank slated character in the story so far. At first, we knew her to just be the long lost daughter of the duke but then when Penelope saw her in the cave she turned out to be the main antagonist, and then her manipulation with Ecklies when she tried to brainwash him in the prison and her attempt at Reynold and now her successfully brainwashing derrick. Though the motive behind it and its reasoning is unclear it is pretty clear that she's trying to drive a wedge and is specifically targeting Penelope and driving her into a corner. And I fully get the hate and completely agree with the hate against Derreck he's treated Penelope harshly through the entire timeline even before the FL became Penelope and has been extremely untrustful and irrational.

    Cazador_de_sirenas August 16, 2024 4:48 pm
    Why i don't blame it more on Yvonne YET is bc we only know she's evil but we're not shown ywt what exactly she did except for brainwashing so i don't have a lot to jugde her for. But we know serrek and i fu... Esti

    Fully agree! If anything, this last debacle it's the one and only actually excusable thing he did because yeah, brainwashing, yada yada.
    Now though, all the other crap he put Penny through all these years? Who's gonna take responsibility for that? Not him, that's for sure... -_-