Basically, what happens in ch27 is this: After Siwon saves Jun, Siwon says he was so afraid of Jun dying. Jun asks if that's what he saw in the dream and apologizes for not believe him. Later Jun asks Siwon what he wanted to say to him. Siwon says that he wants to keep his promise and never leave Jun's side. Jun asks Siwon if he has the same feelings for him and Siwon says he's still a little bit confused.But Jun says that he's going to help him. After that they reach Jun's place. Siwon tells him that he's going to take a taxi home, and that he should no go out alone and call him of something strange happens. Jun offers him to stay over since the following week is their final project, so they can finish it during the weekend (it's Saturday).
The end (:
chapter 24 - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B2peJHtw_XAwWlJwQktMZEZOMHM
chapter 25 - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B2peJHtw_XAwd3FQR1ZIeXc1eG8
chapter 26 - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B2peJHtw_XAwSk5nOEpRRVBPaWc
(this means that it's NOT translated by "official translators")
-- you'll find chapters from 25 - 26 there, just scroll down