
Mb18 August 15, 2024 11:32 pm

Bro literally 13 chapters in and this shit already has me pulling at my hair.

The audacity of the ML to call the kid "his" like no, you weren't involved for the past 5 years you're not going to be involved now. The way he struts into the MCs life like he owns it and he can do whatever is disgusting. Electric chair.

The way he is imposing a bunch of shit on this guy who fathered his kid and hasn't seen him for the past 5 years and literally trying to get him to quit his job so that he can stay at home and just be used as his sex toy is disgusting too. Lethal Injection.

The way he kidnapped and raped the MC after their second meeting after 5 years, and how he tried to act like he was the victim in what happened 5 years ago as though the MC had done it intentionally? Disgusting. Guillotine.

The trope of the stereotypical rich family not below hurting kids for money and the family assets? Nasty. Gas chamber.

The ML. Deplorable. Skinned alive and preserved in salt and lemon juice until he dies a slow and painful death.

You genuinely can't make this story into smt worth my time if you tried, I hate it. The art style is beautiful but the plot is so triggering I'm up at midnight writing this shit unable to keep reading this manga. I have never felt such rage and vitriol towards a character in such a short span of time it's genuinely insane. I know that this will eventually be turned into a romance (stockholm syndrome) and I can't handle that. I'm prioritising my mental health and not sitting through entire chapters of rape for an ending I will hate, unfortunately even the cuteness of the kid ain't enough for me to get through this trash heap. So yeah, if someone can in fact finish it one day and perhaps loosely fill me in, I may appreciate it but I would never put myself through reading the whole thing for myself.

Have a great day and take my warning if you wanna get into it and don't know what to expect.

    Mb18 August 15, 2024 11:39 pm


    They drive me up a fucking wall, I hate how powerless the MC is in front of the ML, it pisses me off to no end how they don't start on equal footing or anything. It's just straight up abuse and bullying someone into doing what ever you want them to.

    I hate it so fucking much, ML PLEASE KYSSS

    ريم August 15, 2024 11:42 pm

    The random execution methods you kept dropping is killing me byee

    spiderman011 August 16, 2024 4:46 am


    Mb18 August 16, 2024 9:06 am
    The random execution methods you kept dropping is killing me byee ريم

    sid-chi August 17, 2024 2:20 am

    Welcome to omegaverse, the world like a sexist wants/sees it we are suposed to hate it
    Buuut I will HAVE to defend alpha in some spots
    First in Korea, my country and most countries if you and someone else who was a common friend start to fuck and all your meetings are in each other's house or a hotel and you only fuck and max do friends stuff you two are OBVIOUSLY just fuck buddies, omega was inexperienced but he was also a college student and as soon as alpha realized he was THAT innocent he took the initiative to ask them to stop (even tho he also liked the omega the difficulty of their secondary gender and social classes incompatibility is something to be taken into consideration even more if his partner would be someone inexperienced)
    Also if we apply our world logic alpha was raped 5 years ago, and omega not only took advantage of it but had his baby without his knowledge, I mean in omegaverse logic technically a alpha and omega can't help but fuck "it's instincts" buuuut even tho alpha doesn't remember, omega was not initially affected by his rut, and only was able to smell the feromones midle way it was a "accident" that happened cuz omega didn't pay attention to his clases about basic alpha/omega fisiology(...even tho he had a alpha crush/fuckbuddy) alpha has the right to get angry at it
    alpha also has all rights to bound with his son, as well as his son has a right to a father, he was not present cuz omega hided his son from him, if his son had not the same disease he would never find out, and alpha also gave a year for omega to seek him out after finding out cuz he knew omega would need him and still omega preferred to see his son suffer than seek the alpha's help
    now he is totally wrong and deserving of eletric chair for forcing the omega to be in a relationship with him, but the other option would be following the legal procedures and taking his son away or max having a shared custody where omega would still have to move and quit his job for his son security (or having guards on him...on work....when he would receive more than enough not to work for the rest of his life cuz child support in this case takes into consideration the mother security and inability to work due to the status of the child and father) AAAND alpha would be pressured to marry and is more than fair for him to ask for a break of the bound (cuz the bound affects both alpha and omega, and again it was the omega's mistake that lead to the marking) ......still he is a piece of shit for pressuring omega like he did, and what happened in the past doesn't give him the right to force a relationship nor sex or being a bitch and making omega feel even more helpless by deciding everything without consulting him

    omega is doing what he think is the best for him and his kid, he shouldn't have to sacrifice himself for his kid nor sacrifice his kid for himself.....but to do that he would have to give alpha full custody with right to free visitation and just live his life normally (best option for me, he could even maintain the bound since it's hight risk and doesn't stop them to have relationship with other people completely) but I can see why he and alpha wouldn't do that

    Mb18 August 17, 2024 11:56 am
    Welcome to omegaverse, the world like a sexist wants/sees it we are suposed to hate itBuuut I will HAVE to defend alpha in some spotsFirst in Korea, my country and most countries if you and someone else who was... sid-chi

    Ok just three things that I will preface by saying I haven't read past chapter 13.

    The incident from 5 years ago, the alpha stopping the Omega and his relationship as fuck buddies is understandable in the context you've provided in terms of maturity and stuff, and it was absolutely smt he could do although he did it in a assholey way.

    The rape of the alpha. Now when it comes to rape in this case I believe intention is undeniably important, the Omega didn't go there wanting to take advantage of the alpha in his rut. Their ruts and heats are unpredictable when unmated and thus, the rut medicine the Omega came to return when he thought he was a beta didn't necessarily need to send up alarm bells since medicine could be carried by alphas and Omega's at all times if their ruts and heats are unpredictable.
    Furthermore just because he was clear minded at the beginning his first ever heard was induced during the course of the chapter and he was in fact no longer of the right mind. They were both delirious and had sex, it was absolutely irresponsible but the Omega didn't know he was an omega or that he could even get pregnant until after the fact. I wouldn't call this rape as it was neither his intention nor within his capabilities after he lost his grip on his right mindedness. SURE the alpha can still be angry he didn't know all of what happened that night and he has the right to in that sense but that doesn't mean we can blame the Omega when he was quite literally dragged into the room and pinned down by the alpha.

    Final point is about the alphas right to see his child and bond with him as you said. He forfeited that right when the decided to rape and kidnap the Omega after meeting him again. I don't care what anyone has to say, you can not grow up healthily if you're in an environment where one parent blatantly flaunts their power and mistreats the other parent. Growing up with that would be a disgusting experience and one no child deserves, if your parents don't love each other, if they're abusive, a child can tell. It doesn't matter how well you try to hide it and just be nice to the kid cause he's your blood or what ever, it's disgusting. The Omega was right to believe that it would be better for the kid to grow up without that, he was also right to believe that a fuck buddy wouldn't want to raise a kid with him. Staying together for a kid is just irresponsible if both parties can't make a place for the kid to grow up safely.

    Now the alpha may have the means to provide a comfortable life, but if he is unable to respect Omega in their marriage or whatever he wants to set up that will affect their child growing up. Moreover him purposefully leveraging the medicine his kid needs is another disgusting move on his part, acting like he cares about the kid and then trying to remove the medicine he desperately needs is nasty work. Also Omega not wanting his rapist around his child is more than understandable. So yeah I can't really defend the alpha much of anywhere apart from perhaps the breakup thing.

    Lalalisa August 17, 2024 8:29 pm


    sid-chi August 17, 2024 9:15 pm
    Ok just three things that I will preface by saying I haven't read past chapter 13.The incident from 5 years ago, the alpha stopping the Omega and his relationship as fuck buddies is understandable in the contex... Mb18

    Yeah, I agree with you, that's why I put it as a accident, caused by the omega ignorance
    About the kid medicine for what I understood he was taking a Comercial version of it, the alpha is treating them with the version that is specially produced by and for his family members, I have to believe a treatment that is so especific needs the kid to be there and go trough a series of tests and not just "here is the medicine" that's also why I think he would have to be with his father
    A fuck buddy or not, alpha has the right to know, end of discussion, in this case it was the omegas fault, even if ge thinks alpha wouldn't be a good father, this is not his decision, he chose to give birth to the alphas child, so unless the alpha strictly claim he was raped and has no desire to be a father, he is a father the end (the rape part is important here cuz if he claim it was consensual then even if he doesn't want to he has legal and moral obligation with the child)
    Believe me, the last thing I want is a child in a fucked up environment, but this child was literally sleeping all day, not going to school/daycare AT 5, seems to hate no friend and no social circle outside of his omega father, he was already in a fucked up environment, I believe for the child he is way better with his father, but I also think their parents relationship is unhealthy and will end up affecting him, that's why I think the best solution is omega giving up the guard and going to live his live normally with occasional visitation, and ideally alpha giving up on omega and marrying a beta of his own social circle cuz no health relationship can come out of such a large power gap, this would be only posible answer here
    (I think omega would be unhappy if he lived in high society for the sake of his son, even if him and alpha didn't have any relationship, and if alpha would have to interact with him more I think the omegaverse/bound dynamics would affect both more strongly making it unsustainable even more if alpha or omega married another person, it would be the recipe for disaster)
    Well the bound/omegaverse is already acting and making omega and alpha "fall in love" alpha is also not wrong in thinking they are both just beast without free will, and if they just stay together instincts will follow it's course and make them happy in a relationship they both didn't want to

    spiderman011 August 19, 2024 9:03 am

    Fr, Like the audacity of the ML to think that he all of that