This is my opinion, y’all can hate it like you want but this is how I feel about this so far

なんでもない~ August 15, 2024 9:15 pm

I’m just growing to hate her more and more every passing day, like honestly wake up, this really isn’t about you anymore, people life are on the line cause she’s just acting like a dog laying low, not talking when there’s a man who will kill for her, believe her no matter what she’s saying, just waiting for her to tell the truth and she’ll rather be beaten, made into a doll than fight back, all while wishing to die cause it’s easier. Just hang yourself and be done with it if that’s what you wish or fight for the things you think are worth it. Honestly that brother of hers I don’t even know if killing get will satiate me cause I hate him with a passion. And seing her act like this just makes me wonder if it’s just not better for her to just die and let the others worth it out after. Arghh this is one doormat frustrating fl

    Me_for_ president August 15, 2024 9:26 pm

    I as much as I love Ruby, I understand what you’re saying she is super frustrating like the best way I can describe this manhwa is a whole pity party she desperately wants someone to pity her, but she doesn’t speak up because she’s scared to be hated like you’re already hated but what makes it even more frustrating is she knows that he loves her but she still doesn’t say anything because again she scared that he’s going to hate her which is like very stupid if he hated you, he wouldn’t literally kill for you.

    なんでもない~ August 15, 2024 9:34 pm
    I as much as I love Ruby, I understand what you’re saying she is super frustrating like the best way I can describe this manhwa is a whole pity party she desperately wants someone to pity her, but she doesn�... Me_for_ president

    Honestly like this man was ready to fight his sister, being dragged into whatever complot she had in mind out of love for her, believed her when he had no reason to. But all she does is just… argh

    Me_for_ president August 15, 2024 9:44 pm
    Honestly like this man was ready to fight his sister, being dragged into whatever complot she had in mind out of love for her, believed her when he had no reason to. But all she does is just… argh なんでもない~

    True, but that man also gives me the ick it took him long enough to react like that because in the beginning, he was definitely something. Now he’s just there. Well, at least she has someone.

    なんでもない~ August 15, 2024 9:49 pm
    True, but that man also gives me the ick it took him long enough to react like that because in the beginning, he was definitely something. Now he’s just there. Well, at least she has someone. Me_for_ president

    That’s fact, he was dreadful in the beginning and clumsy, but now he’s here and she can count on him, he proved he was worth the shot and she won’t take it, what’s the alternative then ? To just die and be beaten black and blue ? The way she just obeys her brother like a faithful dog is another thing that irks me profoundly

    SunaYuuki August 15, 2024 10:28 pm
    I as much as I love Ruby, I understand what you’re saying she is super frustrating like the best way I can describe this manhwa is a whole pity party she desperately wants someone to pity her, but she doesn�... Me_for_ president

    I believe its bcs even if she tell them..will they believe? And you know what crazy? 'Action speak louder than words' the next chapters soon you will understand this phrase so heavily relate to mc decision

    Silver Wolf August 16, 2024 3:31 am

    To be fair, when you have been abused for most of your life (and in Ruby’s case it was her past and present), it’s hard to trust others; especially when you “know” that the person you’re married to is supposed to kill you one day. I get your point, but there are much more poorly written FL leads who are suffering from trauma and ignore the feelings of the people around them who are showering them with love.

    Qwuazit! August 16, 2024 4:45 am

    I understand your frustration but at the same time you have to keep in mind that her life is deeply overcast with abusive experiences. To die and be given the freedom and safety from those that harmed her in one life, to jumping into another life of hell that is just the same. It’s completely valid that she would act the way she has. She has only ever known a life where obeying and wearing a mask is 100% needed for survival. And considering her circumstances I’m surprised we didn’t see more drastic episodes of depression and suicidal ideation sooner. Personally, I think her character is strong for even holding out as she has. For people who suffer like she has it is incredibly difficult and seemingly impossible to accept the love and help around you, especially when all you’ve ever known is lies and an artifice of love. I’m glad she’s started to realize that she is worthy of receiving true unconditional love.

    Me_for_ president August 16, 2024 6:16 am
    I understand your frustration but at the same time you have to keep in mind that her life is deeply overcast with abusive experiences. To die and be given the freedom and safety from those that harmed her in on... Qwuazit!

    I agree with you, but it is frustrating and I can see why people don’t like her character or even hate her.

    Luluwut August 16, 2024 8:24 am

    Damn. You people really have it easy huh. Not a shred of sympathy towards victims of abuse. "You're being abused? Speak up!" or "Oh, you're depressed? Just stop being sad" that's not how it works. Who would believe her? When she's seen as an intruder to everyone's home. Her cries for help would be just dismissed as "attention seeking". By masking her pain and fear under the smiling mask, she desperately tries to protect herself. It took Izek so much time to finally notice the signs and he blamed himself so much for not saving her sooner. Ruby finally finds some peace in his arms and yet can't help but be scared that everything will crumble, that she will be beaten and abandoned or just killed. She couldn't open up because she thought her husband will be repulsed by her. Y'all need to get off your high horses and learn that not everyone is as 'brave' and 'courageous' as you, since you're totally not a 'doormat' or a 'dog' (bet you would not say anything like that if you ever were in her place). It's so easy to pretend to be better and smarter in the comfort of your home behind your screen, isn't it? When all the information is presented to you on a silver platter as a reader. Ruby is stronger than she looks. Sometimes it takes less than that to end it all.

    Yua August 16, 2024 10:17 am
    Damn. You people really have it easy huh. Not a shred of sympathy towards victims of abuse. "You're being abused? Speak up!" or "Oh, you're depressed? Just stop being sad" that's not how it works. Who would bel... Luluwut

    I agree with this, she was actually holding out so well. It's so hard to always keep a mask on just to protect yourself from the toxic environment she is in and considering her very traumatic past of being abused and dying and being reincarnated just to experience the same thing hoping you'd actually find your own freedom and finally live a life of your own. She's so brave for that and I love Izek so much for loving her knowing what happened without the whole context. He still trusted her considering the fact that her disgusting brother kissed her

    bibblesb August 16, 2024 11:44 am

    Its also important to consider that izek wasnt really fond of her in the beginning and was a bit cold towards her. Even the fact that she got married off to a complete stranger for political reasons. It takes time to build up enough trust towards your signifikant other. I mean if you get married to a complete stranger of course you wouldnt just immidiately tell about your lore or past. Its a process

    Me_for_ president August 16, 2024 3:34 pm
    Damn. You people really have it easy huh. Not a shred of sympathy towards victims of abuse. "You're being abused? Speak up!" or "Oh, you're depressed? Just stop being sad" that's not how it works. Who would bel... Luluwut

    I do agree with you, but it is frustrating to see and honestly, you can’t help someone who doesn’t speak up or doesn’t want help.

    Me_for_ president August 16, 2024 3:45 pm
    I believe its bcs even if she tell them..will they believe? And you know what crazy? 'Action speak louder than words' the next chapters soon you will understand this phrase so heavily relate to mc decision SunaYuuki

    I understand, but you really can’t help someone or expect someone to pity you. If you don’t speak up I know it’s hard but if not that person can literally kill you which exactly happened later in the novel, he literally almost beat her to death bc she couldn’t speak up and sadly, in Real life for these cases, you have to help yourself bc in real life, you don’t have a ml like him who can save you

    SunaYuuki August 16, 2024 4:26 pm
    I understand, but you really can’t help someone or expect someone to pity you. If you don’t speak up I know it’s hard but if not that person can literally kill you which exactly happened later in the nove... Me_for_ president

    Its also as in real life..people will not believe a word about someone they literally believe? Like take example an artist that look kind and everyone know about..and there's one girl come out and said they an abuse..who will believe? Not until the girl make live or post video of her getting abuse by that what i try to say..its a logical process and actually also happened irl..its a matter of time..i understand where u come from and i think this kind of manhwa not suit to your taste..maybe something like Secret lady u prefer more?

    SunaYuuki August 16, 2024 4:30 pm
    Its also as in real life..people will not believe a word about someone they literally believe? Like take example an artist that look kind and everyone know about..and there's one girl come out and said they an ... SunaYuuki

    Or Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess..based on your opinion i feel like you prefer manhwa like this more

    Me_for_ president August 16, 2024 4:42 pm
    Its also as in real life..people will not believe a word about someone they literally believe? Like take example an artist that look kind and everyone know about..and there's one girl come out and said they an ... SunaYuuki

    No, I like the story I understand it but I’m just saying it it is frustrating and I hate secret lady

    Me_for_ president August 16, 2024 4:51 pm
    Its also as in real life..people will not believe a word about someone they literally believe? Like take example an artist that look kind and everyone know about..and there's one girl come out and said they an ... SunaYuuki

    Don’t you think someone so helpless and not even try to help themselves and constantly misunderstand everything isn’t frustrating to see you understand the character and you understand why they are the way they are and you understand the story, but doesn’t make it any less frustrating

    SunaYuuki August 16, 2024 4:56 pm
    Don’t you think someone so helpless and not even try to help themselves and constantly misunderstand everything isn’t frustrating to see you understand the character and you understand why they are the way ... Me_for_ president

    I have some friends who is first im just like you..but as i get older(21 now) i try to be more understanding on them..but hey at the end of the day they actually try to be took days months and years but i witness their changing..Give them a can be long..but with constant good environment exposure..they will also try to

    なんでもない~ August 16, 2024 11:47 pm
    Damn. You people really have it easy huh. Not a shred of sympathy towards victims of abuse. "You're being abused? Speak up!" or "Oh, you're depressed? Just stop being sad" that's not how it works. Who would bel... Luluwut

    I get what you wanted to say and I get your point and I I said this is my opinion, but you are absolutely NO ONE to say I had it easy, dear you don’t know me or what I’ve been through. Life is not all about being understanding and comprehensive, people won’t be kind because you deserve kindness you gotta fight most of the times to get what you want. You can’t plan how people are gonna act but you sure do plan how you wanna live. And that’s not living, having to fake it out and lay low waiting for the tide to eventually pass. You’ll just drown, and yeah that’s why I believe she’s being a coward cause she has a way out contrary to people who are bing driven to wits end, she just won’t jump, and that’s the type of people I hate irl, cause I myself had to jump and fight cause if not what next ?

    なんでもない~ August 16, 2024 11:50 pm
    Or Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess..based on your opinion i feel like you prefer manhwa like this more SunaYuuki

    That’s more like the type of girl I like, she tried it all and said fuck it cause there’s nothing else to do. Her situation is not as bad depending on the point of view ( some would say neglect is better that abuse, I think they are equal trauma) those are two difficult situations but different ways of reacting to it, and I like hers better. But again I see where you’re coming from