It kinda doesn’t make sense how he turned like this tho….all those years of friendship...

Senpai wants a fish August 15, 2024 8:00 pm

It kinda doesn’t make sense how he turned like this tho….all those years of friendship and he thinks only about his position firstly and then goes to the very enemy of the prince to ask for help??? Hmmmm….naaaahhh

    Amy August 15, 2024 10:20 pm

    Shows like all of it was only for personal interest and not actual friendship and care

    Nobody August 17, 2024 7:51 am

    Well this is the first time we’re in his head. He probably was only friendly and “loyal” to the prince because of what he thought he could gain, but the prince rejected his idea of marrying sister, and now his homophobic ass finds out prince is gay so he thinks he’s now useless to him. I don’t know if the prince needs to be married to ascend the throne, but that’s probably a stipulation, so when he found out his friend has no plans of remarrying, he had to figure out another way to not fall from grace, so to speak.

    Senpai wants a fish August 19, 2024 12:36 am

    Still doesn’t make sense tho. It came very fast. Not even as a huge plot twist being an antagonist all the time or slowly through the time. I hope we get a pow of him during the next chapters of why all this pretty long friendship ended like this, and not just destroying it only for the plot.