My therories

Purky August 15, 2024 6:51 pm

Imma just predict the ending real quick:

-Cliche ending: (most likely)
Jaewon and heesoo's old friend will find Taekyung and bring him back. After he's returned he will start to have flashbacks and confuse those flashbacks for love or longing for heesoo.
Heesoo ofcourse ran away and wasn't catched. (Ofcourse he is)
after the MC realizes his "love" (Stockholm syndrome) for heesoo. He'll become a shell of a character and codependent and go back to heesoo and live "happily ever after" and we'll get "cute" sides of them having a misunderstanding and having angry sex
This can also go the "i will let you go bcuz i love you" route. Where heesoo lets taekyung go but he comes back because he became dependent on him.
Or maybe Taekyung even escapes but also comes back?
In conclusion; Taekyung comes back after being free

-Kill every character ending:
As the title suggests; the author doesnt know how to end the story so they just kill everyone
and call it a day
Taekyung kills heesoo after a long speech on how he despises him and how he ruined his life.
After he kills heesoo he will do the "hug the corpse scene" and kill himself after.
Taekyung kills himself to be free and heesoo find him dead and kills himself after him.

-no ending: (lazy af <3)
They stay together and Taekyung never escapes or does anything. He becomes docile and disassociative and lives forever with heesoo until he dies

-The realistic/good ending: (most probably not gonna happen )
Taekyung escapes/found by someone, after years of imprisonment (which is canon, i think he remains locked for more than 2 years) heesoo would go to jail and Taekyung goes back to the real world and hell go to therapy (or OUROBOROS route?)
at the end we will get a time skip of him happy and moved on with a partner or a cat right beside him as he stares at the sunset. (Or something like that lmao)

This ending could also happen if he also killed heesoo and dispose hsi corpse in the same forest theyre in. He then goes back to the real world but he doesnt tell anyone what happened and why he was gona for all those years and lives with the guilt until he dies
he moves on and stares at the sunset with his partner/ cat LMAO

I personally think the author is gonna go the first ending, the way they portray Taekyung is so icky and it obvsly suggests him ending like that.
I would be very surprised if they choose the last ending. I kinda like "Taekyung kills heesoo and lives with the guilt" the most. Very angsty but still a very satisfying ending imo.
I would be more surprised if they come up with an ending i didnt think of.

Its a good story and cant wait for the update, i relaly wnat to know hoe this will end.

    purple August 17, 2024 8:01 pm

    the way i'm so desperate for the last ending...

    Kolnyxx August 17, 2024 9:23 pm

    The realistic ending never happens

    Purky August 17, 2024 9:47 pm
    The realistic ending never happens Kolnyxx

    Read "ouroboros" the mc doesnt kill the villain but he escapes and the story talks about him moving on from trauma
    Read the tw first tho and be safe <3

    Kolnyxx August 17, 2024 11:14 pm
    Read "ouroboros" the mc doesnt kill the villain but he escapes and the story talks about him moving on from traumaRead the tw first tho and be safe <3 Purky

    Oh yeah I forgot about that, it had so much angst!! Still good

    BL Army August 19, 2024 12:43 pm

    Am I wrong if I want them to have a happy ending with each other? Where both of them heal each other or go to counseling together....They look good together and are perfect for each other....They just need to communicate and let go of their past traumas....

    Purky August 19, 2024 1:33 pm
    Am I wrong if I want them to have a happy ending with each other? Where both of them heal each other or go to counseling together....They look good together and are perfect for each other....They just need to c... BL Army

    You very much are yes (but you still do you ofc ofc)
    No one stays with their abuser and is happy with them
    How are they perfect with eachother? One is obssessive and has obvious emotional dysregulation while the other has low sympathy and no boundaries
    It would be completely unright if they end up together after heesoo KIDNAPPED him.
    If anything close to love comes out after that, its just Stockholm syndrome in the making.

    And tbh if they go to a counselor they'd probably break up since their relationship is so fucked up.
    A counselor helps you understand whats wrong with your relationship and how to salvage that if possible. I dont think its possible for a relationship at all