About ch 97

elolinon89 August 15, 2024 4:52 pm

Why is everyone mad about Taeju leaving Euihyun? I actually think it's good that he left...He needs to heal in his own way (and come on, it was only 1 month!) And the fact that Euihyun finally misses him, It's so adorable!
Now they can focus on getting to "know each other" again and it's finally time for Euihyun to show HIS feelings for Taeju! He hasn't shown that he likes Taeju at all (except when he was pregnant and that was because of the pheromones...)
Both of you - fall in love and start dating! (Then have a baby later! UwU)

    JayBeeArr August 15, 2024 5:09 pm

    This chapter is frustrating for me because as much as I looovvveeee angst and hard-fought romances, (and this manga in general) it’s really just a triple whammy of going from the cliche kidnapping, to the miscarriage to the “Oh no, I failed to protect my omega” like fucking whiplash Bro, we don’t even get to fully appreciate and ENJOY the culmination of Euihyun’s whole epic emotional growth arc and celebrate him making his own choices and drawing his own boundaries and feeling confident in his decisions before were slapped in the face by the ending of this chapter I LIVE tension and drama but that shit works best when it’s got room to breathe. We need the good to fully understand and integrate the bad in our lives and this choice to put those two bad things at the end of this chapter feels like a big smoosh of making it dramatic. I actually appreciate that Taeju is hitting the climax in his own emotional journey and the visual representation of that, but yo, Euihyun didn’t even get to finish his HUG

    Myumi August 15, 2024 5:17 pm

    Ya.. well since autor said there gonna be only 100 chapters...we don't get to see all of that i think x(

    JayBeeArr August 15, 2024 7:29 pm

    I cry

    bornmelody7 August 15, 2024 7:44 pm
    Ya.. well since autor said there gonna be only 100 chapters...we don't get to see all of that i think x( Myumi

    I hope the author has side stories so that we can see more and potentially seeing them have a kid or something. There's no way they're squeezing that into the story in 3 chapters unless some big time skip occurs

    elolinon89 August 15, 2024 8:39 pm
    This chapter is frustrating for me because as much as I looovvveeee angst and hard-fought romances, (and this manga in general) it’s really just a triple whammy of going from the cliche kidnapping, to the mis... JayBeeArr

    I see what you mean and agree with some of it! However, I don't think it has felt so clichéd, it has followed a good thread of drama just so we can see how this affected both Taeju and Euihyun! I think Taeju did the right thing by leaving him without actually leaving him (gave back the house, give some money etc) as well as showing that Euihyun can actually start chasing HIM for once! :)
    But of course, it has been painful to read the last chapters, it's not good for my heart!!! Hopefully they start talk about their feelings in the next chapter! Really don't want this story to end, I've followed them since the beginning and love their relationship and development! <3

    elolinon89 August 15, 2024 8:40 pm
    I hope the author has side stories so that we can see more and potentially seeing them have a kid or something. There's no way they're squeezing that into the story in 3 chapters unless some big time skip occur... bornmelody7

    Really hope so too! They and we deserve a side story!

    JayBeeArr August 15, 2024 8:51 pm
    I see what you mean and agree with some of it! However, I don't think it has felt so clichéd, it has followed a good thread of drama just so we can see how this affected both Taeju and Euihyun! I think Taeju d... elolinon89

    I feel I should clarify that I’m not trying to be rude to the author or the work by using the term cliche. My criticism wasn’t really aimed at the “quality” of the writing. It’s more me just expressing all my feelings in relation to it I have complicated feeling about the idea of Euihyun “chasing” Taeju, due to all that’s happened between them, but I’m totally in agreement about how good it’s been to see the arc of their relationship and how it’s affected them personally! I also hope they talk more with one another and I also don’t want the story to end It’s a good manga and I’m just over here fingers crossed that it has a good end