now that i think about it i don’t like the fact sasya got so much shit while karel was t...

misterchan August 15, 2024 9:58 am

now that i think about it i don’t like the fact sasya got so much shit while karel was treated so gently by the readers. both of them went through some tough shit and both of them did shit. neither of them are perfect. yall are for mentally ill people until they actually display mentally ill behavior. obv people during this age don’t know how to treat mentally ill people well like nowadays we have medication to actually help with the chemical side of things. but no there’s alcohol and opium and countless drugs to help those who are struggling like sasya and don’t tell me those methods work cuz they don’t do shit. even going to that rehab place how effective would it be ??

and if somebody starts saying oh mentally ill people would never do that like ur right the line between rationality and irrationality, what is actually sasya and what is the mental illness, is thin. it’s not black and white it’s fricking gray but so many people like to hate on him because they see it as black and white. if people truly accepted the nuance of this story they wouldn’t be hating sm on either sasya or karel
