I honestly don’t like Taeju. I really think that he had the potential to be a good ml, b...

Growl August 15, 2024 7:44 am

I honestly don’t like Taeju. I really think that he had the potential to be a good ml, but the rape that was included, just ruined it. The rape that was shown in the first few chapters was bad, but the part where Taeju was in rut, and raped Euihyun on end, was terrible. Though, I really think that Taeju is changing as a person and owning up to his actions. I hate how he used to treat Euihyun, but as he finally realized he loves him dearly, he took a whole 180 turn. I really like how Taeju is not letting his own actions go, though. He knows that he hurt Euihyun, and he hates himself for it.

I don’t like Taeju and what he did, but at this rate, when Euihyun even forgave him, Taeju just wants to end their relationship? For what, Euihyun’s sake because he hurt him? Honestly, congrats, as you should, but you already came so far! Taeju should think ab him, and how he would feel if he just suddenly ended things off like that ヽ(`Д´)ノ ! It’ll definitely end up hurting Euihyun more. But I understand Taeju as well. He caused Euihyun so much stress, to even have a miscarriage. Not even I would forgive myself if I was him. I like how he’s doing this, because so many male leads just rape the mc and then they live happily ever after without even apologizing. I still don’t forgive a rapist, but glad he’s owning up to his mistakes!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Megirl6473 August 15, 2024 11:23 am

    I still don't know why the aurthor decided to make him rape him. Like it was a horrible horrible chapter that has forever scarred the way I view taeju. Lots of BLs have assault and it's never good but this one was him fighting trying to escape trying to get out but he couldn't he was horrified the whole time and man it just can't leave my brain. That fetus was most likely a product of that time too. Maybe the author is trying to do a full clean slate by also loosing the baby of the assault