Lmao I'm not???? If you're not blind or dyslexic I literally am saying that this is fiction and not meant to be taken srsly skylar
yaois are litelary fiction u dont have to tell me twice. the only thing thats concerning is reading this piece of shit is basically saying "I fantasize having Intimacy with literal animals"
yaois are litelary fiction u dont have to tell me twice. the only thing thats concerning is reading this piece of shit is basically saying "I fantasize having Intimacy with literal animals" yipee
You DO know that that is called beastiality???? Where a human and an animal fucks? This is literally different. And mind you you're disgusting if you can't differentiate between two different things.
Lmao I feel you're into zoo pornography, cuz this manga is NOT beastiality. There's beastiality ones. Where there's a human and animal fucking. This isn't that love. And if you're going to start stupid fights then please scroll away.
Bro what the fuck is this shit
Ban this