FancyTrash August 15, 2024 1:28 am

So 6 chapters are missing from the end! This has already been completed as there are only 70 chapters in total! So I will be summarizing the rest since there are no translations in ENG sadly. The rest were in ARB (aka. Arabic), here’s the link for anyone interested!

SO, without further ado, let’s get into this.

It starts with a bit of a flashback to the past in 1912 where the antagonist, aka angelic guy, gets his appearance. He had killed an angel that looked like the appearance he takes now. (The blond hair and all). After realizing he can become more powerful by eating human souls or angel souls, he suddenly meets another angel like himself, who calls him out on his act, saying how he’ll one day pay for his actions. (Antagonist tried to attack that angel but missed since they were fast)

Flashback to the current situation, he’s on the ground, dying with blood spewing out of him. Though he’s alone, and in such a state, he believes he’s still won since ML is sad over FL’s death. FL’s father had saw the scene from below the company building and rushed to the top to also find that FL is dead. He regrets not being there, so he wants to exchange his life, but cannot since a devil doesn’t have the power to do so. The area surrounding the ML suddenly warps a bit as if he were alone (still on the company roof(?)) where the same angel that ridiculed the antag appears before. He finds the ML interesting, and allows him to go back in time when FL was being forced to call out for him, moments before she was about to get killed. THIS TIME HE MAKES IT IN TIME! The two fight, and ultimately, ML wins with FL alive.

After this major hill was overcome, ML had severe injuries and had gone into a 4 day coma, he did survive and the company was undergoing massive backlash as it was shutdown. Sometime after ML had awoken, FL had encountered the same angel too, who had helped the ML, they had explained that ML was no longer a devil, and was now a normal human, and that if she was in a pickle, she could just call out to him. And the angel disappears with that.

Anither transition occurs and the character afterwards, get together and have a mini-party/sleepover! The bodyguard, the grandmother, the other lady who was previously in the hospital after getting kidnapped, FL and ML, etc.

The most wonderful part is that while everyone is asleep, FL wakes up to find that her best friend had came to her in a ghost-like form and was happy for her.


(I wasn’t able to see if they ACTUALLY got together or not, and they never kissed or anything, but I’m pretty confident they got together)

    FancyTrash August 15, 2024 11:26 pm

    TLDR; Deus Ex Machina saves the day and good ending happens

    veeroo August 25, 2024 10:19 am

    Thanks for taking the time to write this.

    FancyTrash August 25, 2024 5:03 pm
    Thanks for taking the time to write this. veeroo

    Np! Wanted everyone to know what the end was as best as I could put context in words