Putting aside his feelings of jealousy, I could see myself being upset at the uke, but not...

Gravenshi August 14, 2024 11:27 pm

Putting aside his feelings of jealousy, I could see myself being upset at the uke, but not for the same reason. I am bussing myself the whole day, struggling between work and studies. And you, instead of doing anything productive of your life, "you cook me food" as it was your job. No buddy, get your game together.

My vocalization aside, seriously the uke should put himself first. So selfless, If you can only find fulfillment in others and never in yourself, you are doomed. I get that he was trying to be considerate and that is commendable, but charity starts with oneself. Do yourself a favor and work on yourself. Not to be a better boyfriend, but to unleash your potential as a person.

    NiBeom August 14, 2024 10:56 pm

    Yes but it's also just a nice thing to do for your partner you love, but ehh if you know your partner better you know they would rather not and bro might need to work on couples therapy for that

    Gravenshi August 14, 2024 11:28 pm

    aaa August 15, 2024 12:13 am

    Curious why you’d be mad at him? He doesn’t know anything other than this relationship. Minho has made it clear he likes it when Woojin depends on him and waits for him, and in turn Woojin has no goal other than to make Minho happy. But he doesn’t have any money or resources so he’s doing what he thinks is best with what little he has. If he had any functioning relationships I’m sure he’d be more than what he thinks he is

    Gravenshi August 15, 2024 12:45 am
    Curious why you’d be mad at him? He doesn’t know anything other than this relationship. Minho has made it clear he likes it when Woojin depends on him and waits for him, and in turn Woojin has no goal other... aaa

    My initial comment already answered your question. Feel free to reread.

    Silvermilk August 15, 2024 2:10 am

    The comparison doesn’t really make sense though because you and minho would act completely different that would effect the behavior of the main character

    Gravenshi August 15, 2024 4:07 am
    The comparison doesn’t really make sense though because you and minho would act completely different that would effect the behavior of the main character Silvermilk

    Who is comparing what? Am I using words incorrectly or "Putting aside" and "not for the same reason" changed meaning?

    Silvermilk August 15, 2024 2:16 pm
    Who is comparing what? Am I using words incorrectly or "Putting aside" and "not for the same reason" changed meaning? Gravenshi

    You’re implying that you’d also be frustrated with the mcs behavior for a different reason than minho, but it doesn’t work because MINHO is the one that causes mc to act that way.Not even brcause of jealousy but also him as a general good partner. Based off YOUR description, your personality would probably cause MC, the character, to act more productive because of genuine encouragement and wanting actual progress for your partner. (And we’ve seen an example of this w/ the other guy) Cause -> Effect

    Unless you’re saying you’re just like Minho as a partner which I don’t think you are, it doesn’t really make sense to shit on the mc the way you wrote it., You’re essentially comparing two entirely different situations: “a bad manipulative relationship dynamic” and “a lazy partner which doesn’t apply to mc It’s not two different reasons it’s two different situations. You wouldn’t be upset at the mc, you would be upset at a hypothetical lazy mc.

    Silvermilk August 15, 2024 2:41 pm
    You’re implying that you’d also be frustrated with the mcs behavior for a different reason than minho, but it doesn’t work because MINHO is the one that causes mc to act that way.Not even brcause of jealo... Silvermilk

    Actually rereading he doesn’t necessarily directly encourage the mc so he’s not a good example but he contributes to an environment that does make mc begin writing, even if it’s not by much Though I really do think mc would benefit from a genuine conversation in said healthy environment

    Gravenshi August 15, 2024 4:06 pm
    You’re implying that you’d also be frustrated with the mcs behavior for a different reason than minho, but it doesn’t work because MINHO is the one that causes mc to act that way.Not even brcause of jealo... Silvermilk

    Thank you for elaborating.

    "It does not work": You are stretching what I wrote. Assuming I viewed things the way you phrase it, your refutation would not even be probant.

    Your cause to effect or assessment of my personality have no incidence on my statements. Most of them are impromptu speculations. I do not need to insert myself in the story to affect the course of events nor do I need to emphasize (which I do not) to admit that this kind of situation would inherently put me in a foul mood.

    "your personality would probably cause MC, the character, to act more productive". It would not. I would not even associate myself with the MC.

    "You’re essentially comparing two entirely different situations" You believe I am, but that's quite presumptuous. I do not believe the MC is lazy, I believe he has his priorities wrong and I worded it intelligibly enough.

    "it doesn’t really make sense to shit on the mc the way you wrote it." If telling someone to unleash their potential is shitting on them, you taught me something new today. It does not make sense to you... maybe because of your presumptions?

    "You wouldn’t be upset at the mc, you would be upset at a hypothetical lazy mc" Not even remotely right. What I wrote is pretty straightforward, please refer to the source.

    satohru August 15, 2024 9:36 pm

    its not like he was cooking the whole day or are we sure he was doing nothing the whole time minho was busy he has a LOT of spare time

    he just momentarily cooked to show affection to his lover, it’s fully the other person’s problem if they get angry about such harmless act

    Silvermilk August 16, 2024 12:34 am
    Thank you for elaborating. "It does not work": You are stretching what I wrote. Assuming I viewed things the way you phrase it, your refutation would not even be probant. Your cause to effect or assessment of m... Gravenshi

    Sorry, I may have misread your previous comment and worded my comment badly. That’s on me. So scratch the last comment, I’m going to more clearly state what I mean lol.

    “Putting aside his feelings of jealousy, I could see myself being upset at the uke, but not for the same reason.”

    You said that you would be upset at the MC, not anyone with behavior similar to the MC but the MC specifically. So I’m applying all of what you said to the MC.

    “instead of doing anything productive of your life, "you cook me food" as it was your job.”
    But it’s not like the MC DOESN’T do anything productive when he’s with a partner. He’s a writer. When he’s in a healthy environment, the MC works on his novel. With Minho (in the beginning) and with Taewan. The manhwa is more clear with Taewan though like when Taewan leaves for his acting job, the MC goes to local cafes to work on his novel. That’s productivity. Just because he has the time to cook for his partner as a gesture of affection doesn’t takeaway from his work as a writer lol.

    And I think my main grievance when I mentioned the good partner comparison between Minho because I forgot at this point he’s not an obvious PoS yet and that he hasn’t had drastic actions that would eventually lead to MC to stop writing (or publishing a book he dislikes), hence stop being productive. Because my argument was "Obviously he's not productive because Minhos a bitch partner lol" So apologies! :p

    And I agree with the last sentence! This is not a critique of your comment but rather a personal insight, but I think MC has always released his personal potential when he’s enthusiastically writing. It’s unfortunate that he’s so easily influenced by his partner’s actions to the point where it harms his career.

    Gravenshi August 16, 2024 1:54 am
    Sorry, I may have misread your previous comment and worded my comment badly. That’s on me. So scratch the last comment, I’m going to more clearly state what I mean lol.“Putting aside his feelings of jealo... Silvermilk

    Fair enough.