I don’t understand why she hates hillian. How is it hillian fault she was born the way s...

Butterfly August 14, 2024 6:05 pm

I don’t understand why she hates hillian. How is it hillian fault she was born the way she was. Should be blaming the mother and father. Literally hating her for no reason.

    Mi-chan August 15, 2024 5:36 am

    , what was she supposed to do? she'd been told her entire life that this new person would come and take everything. then that new person comes and takes everything. without even questioning it. helga was repeatedly nice to her over and over, didn't sabotage her, helped her with her lessons, when helianne first came too, until finally she decided she wanted nothing to do with this literal stranger. why should she be kind to a stranger who has done nothing positive for her, and her existence is a net negative? why should she help someone who is going to take all her achievements. naiveté really doesn't cut it here, helianne would have to be beyond stupid to not understand what it meant to literally STEAL someone's name, their entire history, and all their achievements.

    i just copied it from another comment because it majes perfectly sense

    aisha August 17, 2024 7:45 am

    why should helga appease hilianne’s feelings of ‘sisterhood’ and ‘family’, when helga was never considered family… And then hilianne cries about it and presses for a relationship when helga sets clear boundaries, hiliannes is just an immature character. But makes sense given how she was raised