jiho x woohyuk 4 lyfer idc what anyone says

min August 14, 2024 3:34 pm

I think this couple is one of the funniest pairings ever. Even if some of yall dont like the mc i love him, hes so unaware and narcissistic its pure comedy, like him saying how he knows hes handsome and talented and cant help but pity the weak is sooo funny can yall not see??? Him and the ml are so toxicly in love with each other and are so self absorbed they match each others freak so hard. Yeah, maybe its bad that they have the same insecurities as each other but like they both have a few screws loose so for them it doesnt matter if they are the only other people they interact with. The producer is too mature that he or the mc wouldve gotten bored eventually cos they arent on the same wavelength, producer just wants him for entertainment and mc just relies on him to be the mature one, which is good in some cases but mc is way too big headed to admit the crazy power imbalance. Anyways read the producer story, he gets his happy ending? (Maybe the story isnt finished yet but im rooting for him and at least his love interest is self aware). Jihoxwoohyuk truther out.
