if anyone know ~ tell me please

horny_uke August 14, 2024 10:05 am

So i have this question stuck in my head. Why bexan's biological father has to go and kill all of his mother's family? Like does he have some kinda mental disease or something? And after that she had to go and killed all of his family? What kinda situation is that? Can't you guys be nice to each other family rather than killing their freaking siblings off? ffs whats the gain here then? Werewolves family must be crazy

    Mayo Nessa August 14, 2024 10:22 am

    It's literal yandere. He was so obsessed with her, so 'in love' that he couldn't handle the idea of anything taking her attention away from him. He would rather she be furious at him than have her think about anything else. He wanted to know where she went, who she talked to, etc.

    Then she fell in love with that ballerina. The idea of him going to hunt her down was just so frightening that the mom left and never came back. Even after she killed him.

    horny_uke August 19, 2024 11:10 pm

    Ohh~~ so that's why. Thanks. Yeah one hell of a stupid guy. Btw i love your quote tho 'in love' haha

    Slytherinlarrie August 25, 2024 6:29 pm

    He’s obsessive jealous and cruel, he lashed out just cause she was getting close to the ballerina, she wanted to get away from him so he became worse and killed her family out of cruelty, she had to kill his brothers and him cause they must’ve been as bad as him and she wouldn’t have peace otherwise