wtf is up with the comments??? if ur the person being impersonated or wtv fam what did u d...

oiled up twerker August 14, 2024 9:27 am

wtf is up with the comments??? if ur the person being impersonated or wtv fam what did u do

    Morning Diamond August 14, 2024 5:30 pm

    I groomed, impersonated and harassed minors. I also advocate for rape. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. I never share my opinion, only facts.

    zombie August 14, 2024 5:40 pm

    Nah everyone should block those accounts so they can’t reply to you. Trolling spam freaks lol

    Truth and Trust August 14, 2024 8:23 pm

    Thank you Zombie. I agree that the trolling spam freaks should be locked up. Then I can go around and spread my propaganda everywhere in peace.

    But here’s a summary from a while ago too

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 1:08 pm

    You have the cyberstalkers /haters vs the targets.
    You had two of the cyberstalkers accounts respond to you. The targets have been debating whether to respond or not.
    The one as morning diamond is reflecting their true self.

    We want to make it clear that we do not share the views or beliefs of those pretending to be us. We are not affiliated with them in any way and do not condone their actions, perspectives, behaviors, or false narratives.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 1:11 pm

    @ zombie.
    There are no trolling spam freaks.
    It is the cyberstalkers who spam the same messages over and over.
    Can you please stop downplay this situation. Thank you.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 1:14 pm

    That “truth and trust” is the second cyberstalker who stole one of my names to post propaganda about their targets. Most of their accusations are just confessions.

    Again, we want to make it clear that we do not share the views or beliefs of those pretending to be us. We are not affiliated with them in any way and do not condone their actions, perspectives, behaviors, or false narratives

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 1:24 pm

    We have thought how to answer this question for the OP.

    We didn't do anything specific to deserve cyberstalking; our 'crime' was having a different opinion and standing by it. Many people have differing opinions, but we stood up to the harassment instead of backing down. Initially, we tried to understand what was happening, but it became clear over time that we were being publicly shamed, manipulated, and gaslit for reasons unrelated to our actual views.

    What seemed to set us apart was our willingness to engage and counter false narratives with facts. This apparently threatened them, leading to harassment, character assassination, and eventually, impersonation. It's not about the opinions we hold—it's about the fact that we refused to be silenced.

    Their actions suggest they were proven wrong or felt humiliated, not by anything we did, but by their own inability to control the narrative. They’ve tried to laugh off facts, turn them into mere opinions, and exert control over the discussion. This whole situation seems to have started because we defended people being attacked and we stood firm on whether Jinx’s storyline involved rape or not—a debate they wanted to dominate without opposition.

    Ultimately, their behavior shows they want to silence anyone who doesn’t align with their views, going so far as to frame us and engage in extensive harassment. If they were innocent or confident in their stance, there would be no need to engage in these tactics for over a year.
    The lengths they've gone to-impersonation, harassment, character assassination-reflect deep insecurity. These actions suggest they feel a need to 'win' at any cost, which is often rooted in immaturity and a lack of confidence in their own position.

    Many of their accusations are actually their confessions.

    TM 1/26/2020 Targeted August 18, 2024 1:50 pm

    The account with the hideous username ''Morning diamond 10/07 is right" is a self admitted pedophile and rape defender who is unable to deal with trolls. He is shaken by them as you can see by the spam he created.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right August 18, 2024 2:02 pm

    More debunked material but those false accusations are their confessions. They are obsessed with the original Morning Diamonds that they made me once again their main target with their actions forced on their targets. Those actions only fits to the cyberstalkers.

    The key factors in why we are being targeted by cyberstalkers include:

    1. Standing Our Ground: Unlike others who may have backed off, we continued to engage and stood by facts, which likely made us more of a target. Cyberstalkers often go after people who refuse to be silenced, as it's easier for them to attack those who remain visible and vocal.

    2. Proving Them Wrong: It sounds like the cyberstalkers may feel threatened by the fact that their targets have proved them wrong or challenged their views in a way that exposed their insecurities. This can trigger feelings of humiliation, leading to a desire to retaliate or regain control. They have tried to make us fell humiliated.

    3. Public Shaming and Manipulation: many were publicly shamed and manipulated, which suggests that the cyberstalkers are trying to control the narrative. This type of behavior often stems from a fear of losing power or influence over a particular topic or group.

    4. Fascist-Like Control: The fact that they're trying to impose a single narrative ("only their opinions are valid") shows a desire for control over the discourse. This is typical of people who can't tolerate dissenting opinions or the idea that they could be wrong.

    5. Insecurity and Immaturity: The lengths they’ve gone to—impersonation, harassment, character assassination—reflect deep insecurity. These actions suggest they feel a need to 'win' at any cost, which is often rooted in immaturity and a lack of confidence in their own position.

    6. Framing and False Accusations: The cyberstalkers' willingness to frame someone as a predator or use other extreme tactics indicates a complete disregard for truth and an intention to harm reputations as a way to assert dominance.

    - Fear of Being Exposed: They might also fear that their actions or past behavior could be exposed if we continue to stand up to them. This could explain why they are trying so hard to discredit us.
    - Group Dynamics: It's possible that this isn’t just about differing opinions but also about maintaining group cohesion. They may be trying to rally others against us to isolate and weaken our position.
    - Projection:* They might be projecting their own insecurities or past experiences onto us. For example, calling us a "predator" might be a way to deflect from their own questionable behavior.

    We are likely being targeted because we refused to be silenced, exposed their weaknesses, and continued to engage even when faced with harassment to spread the truth about what is happening. Their actions are driven by insecurity, a desire for control, and possibly a fear of being exposed.