Ya'lll I just completed the novel.......

Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 14, 2024 5:26 am

Read this at your own risk......

Warning again it's spoiler which will make us cry later....

So, here we go.... The spore that An zhe is looking for (if u don't understand I'll give a simpler example) is like a child to An zhe.... Like how all mushroom produce a spore and die after the spore matures.... Both An zhe and the spore are immune to infection (An zhe plays a very important role in saving humanity). So don't worry the spot on his finger doesn't effect An zhe.

An zhe finnally saves his spore and runs away from lu fang but they meet up again later but not from the base but from the wild outside bcoz Lu fang's plane crashes and An zhe saves him.............Later the spore strts maturing and An zhe became weak which is that An zhe is about to die because the spore is maturing (growing) now. Soo....before An zhe again left Lu fang again (lu fang betrayed an zhe by putting a tracker on an zhe...ps. it's okay don't get mad about this ull knw what will happen later). An zhe left becoz he didn't want lu fang to see him die and disappear but left his spore who had matured with Lu fang bcoz it was attracted to only Lu fang.

Then An zhe wonder in the wild and met up with outher heterogeneous humans(half human and half monster like An zhe though is a mushroom) there it was the Fusion Faction people living there. In that place An zhe breathe his last breathe before he sacrificed himself for the humanity becoz of his immunity. And just before An zhe died both Lu fang and An zhe locked eyes with each other as Lu fang was getting off the plane after a battle that they lose from the Twin tower (ull knw this place in the later chapter).......

When Lu fang saw An zhe disappear..he cried... Finally that cold green ocean like eyes melted and cried for the first time....
(But don't worry An zhe will be back)

After three years.... The spore which An zhe left with Lu fang started changing its shape.... It became a coccon and later a human shape body took place..... The cocoon then broke out and guess who.......

It was An zhe.... At first Lu fang thought that even if it's An zhe or looks like Ah zhe he wouldn't remember and Lu fang also didn't want it to remember An she's time in the base...... But merrily!!!!! As the cocccon broke and A human shape like An zhe came out .... it's first words was "Lu Fang?"

Though I explain half half of the story.....this is how it ends tho it does have side Stories XD!
I binged read this for 2days straight :) and I don't regret it...... I even cried while reading, so imagine how beautiful y sad it will be on the manhwa.......

    Sippystraws August 14, 2024 5:33 am

    I thought it was 5 years (⊙…⊙ )( ̄∇ ̄")

    Dantalion August 14, 2024 5:57 pm

    Is this good though?


    If he died, is the spore technically a different person with the same memories? I read a story where, before dying, a character saved his memories inside a cyborg in his image. It was upsetting and I couldn't read it anymore, his lover decided to continue his relationship with the cyborg, but he's technically dead, still just a substitute, and I hate that.

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 14, 2024 8:11 pm
    Is this good though?SpoilerIf he died, is the spore technically a different person with the same memories? I read a story where, before dying, a character saved his memories inside a cyborg in his image. It was... Dantalion

    No no no....
    Actually in the end it is said by a researcher name Polly that tho An zhe is a mushroom he is also a fungus. Since when he was in the cave he consumed this and that different things.
    And so from what I understood is that An zhe's spore is his other half. Which means it also contains his memories and his appearance. This is why when the spore was in the container in the lab for research purposes. And Lu Fang came to visit it, the spore was attracted to Lu Fang and keep focusing on him. Even when An zhe entered the lab the spore didn't noticedddd him n kept its focus on An Zhe .
    At first I didn't also understood why the spore didn't notice An Zhe and found out later that since An Zhe the other half of the spore was attracted to Lu Feng. The spore was the same. It was also attracted to Lu Feng becoz both the Spore and An Zhe were ONE.

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 14, 2024 8:12 pm
    No no no....Actually in the end it is said by a researcher name Polly that tho An zhe is a mushroom he is also a fungus. Since when he was in the cave he consumed this and that different things.And so from what... Jasper ◕`ε´◕ 

    *kept its focus on Lu Feng********

    son of thors August 15, 2024 4:57 am
    I thought it was 5 years (⊙…⊙ )( ̄∇ ̄") Sippystraws

    No, for me it said 3 years too

    Sippystraws August 15, 2024 5:52 am
    No, for me it said 3 years too son of thors

    Dam… I think I read it wrong then.

    KillsGon4 August 15, 2024 11:16 am


    son of thors August 15, 2024 1:07 pm

    Wait I just realized you said you binge read it for two days straight

    TWO DAYS? the reading speed is crazy it took me 7

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 15, 2024 1:56 pm
    Wait I just realized you said you binge read it for two days straight TWO DAYS? the reading speed is crazy it took me 7 son of thors

    Ahh yes my school starts tomorrow so I had to read it like anything
    I also remember I completed the romance novel call "twisted love" in just 2 days becoz my friend needed the book(novel Book)

    Nobodyhome August 21, 2024 8:39 pm

    It is a beautiful ending. Are there any second m/m couples in this novel?

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 22, 2024 1:08 am
    It is a beautiful ending. Are there any second m/m couples in this novel? Nobodyhome

    Sedly no.
    The novel at the end chapter fell like it was just a half chapter. It ended very fast witout the full detail. If u read the last chapter ull understand what I'm tryin to say.
    The side were great but too less...it felt not kinda rush but like half half

    pigglypoof August 23, 2024 8:45 am
    Is this good though?SpoilerIf he died, is the spore technically a different person with the same memories? I read a story where, before dying, a character saved his memories inside a cyborg in his image. It was... Dantalion

    Jasper said that An Zhe has a parent/child relationship with his spore, but that is incorrect. An Zhe specifically says that his feelings toward the spore are not that of a parent. Everything else Jasper said is correct though. It's not really like a replacement, because the spore is An Zhe. Think of it like asexual reproduction.

    Side note: Do you remember the name of the cyborg story? It sounds similar to a story I really like, 500-nen no Itonami.

    pigglypoof August 23, 2024 8:51 am
    It is a beautiful ending. Are there any second m/m couples in this novel? Nobodyhome

    Yes, there is another m/m couple but we don't actually see them interact much. All their scenes together probably wouldn't even take up 2 pages. Their ending is left ambiguous.

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 23, 2024 9:17 am
    Jasper said that An Zhe has a parent/child relationship with his spore, but that is incorrect. An Zhe specifically says that his feelings toward the spore are not that of a parent. Everything else Jasper said i... pigglypoof

    No no I never said An she is like a parent....I said take it as a simple example since everyone here is still confuse about how the spore was made or what's the relationship with the spore is. So I said it as "simple example" to understand the how important the spore is to An she

    pigglypoof August 23, 2024 9:37 am
    No no I never said An she is like a parent....I said take it as a simple example since everyone here is still confuse about how the spore was made or what's the relationship with the spore is. So I said it as "... Jasper ◕`ε´◕ 

    This is nitpicky of me, but I don't think it's a good example and it would be better if you refrain from describing it that way. It's misleading and doesn't align with what is written in the novel. An Zhe sees the spore as something more important than his life, but he does not view the spore as his child.

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  August 23, 2024 11:56 am
    This is nitpicky of me, but I don't think it's a good example and it would be better if you refrain from describing it that way. It's misleading and doesn't align with what is written in the novel. An Zhe sees ... pigglypoof

    Ur not getting what I'm trying to say (/TДT)/
    I mean like how every parents looks after their child n is very important to them than their life.
    This is what I'm trying to make an example of by saying "the spore is verrrryyyy important to An zhe becoz it's a part of him and himself" Using the word parent was a better use since everyone was curious about the relationship between the spore and An zhe so I said 'a simple example' to show why the spore is important. I never said he sees it as his child.
    I also mentioned "IS LIKE A child to An zhe" bcoz I mention how parents look after their child like their own life so I said it in SIMILI. (Not related to the novel)=Because as far as I know in real life too a spore is like a child to a mushroom(like u said asexual reproduction). An zhe and the novel said somthing else bcoz that's their own story but I never said that "the spore is An zhe's child"Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    I said EXAMPLE not FACT. you gotta knw this!!!!!
    (● ̄(エ) ̄●) you said its not a good example but how comes it's not. The way An Zhe is caring for the spore is just like how a guardian look after their own. Lovers or family wuld be not be a good example. The best option was "parents" bcoz we all knw parental love and care even some never receive it, atleast we knw how parents'are like to their child they love n care about. So I took an EXAMPLE out of this forming a SIMILI to make it more understandable. Bcoz I saw some asking 'if the spore is not evn An zhe child and just a part of him why wuld he even risk his life" so here the EXAMPLE of parent was the good choice.
    And at the end of the paragraph in the spoiler I also said and even the novel mentioned how 'a mushroom life is all to produce a spore and look after them untill they mature and lastly wither away, like how An zhe was born he has to die after his spore matures'
    See I took parent example bcoz of this particular sentence. Parents too look after their child untill they mature and grows up but our lifespan is greater than a mushroom and so parents'still got more time unlike a mushroom_

    pigglypoof August 23, 2024 9:26 pm
    AhhhhhhhUr not getting what I'm trying to say (/TДT)/ I mean like how every parents looks after their child n is very important to them than their life.This is what I'm trying to make an example of by saying... Jasper ◕`ε´◕ 

    I understood your point from your first reply, but I'm not sure you understand mine. I'll try and explain my point better. I'm not saying that you said that An Zhe is the parent of the spore. I'm saying that using parent/child even as a comparison is misleading when An Zhe has clearly said in the novel that their relationship is not like that of a parent and child. By insisting that their relationship is similar to a parent and child, you are directly contradicting what has been written in Little Mushroom which is why this is not a good example.

    As for asexual reproduction, no the offspring (the spore in this case) are not considered children of the original, which is why I brought up asexual reproduction in the first place. Because the offspring are genetically identical to the original, they are considered separate organisms and are more like clones than children. That is not just my opinion here, that is a scientific fact. There are spores that can be reproduced sexually and those you could probably consider children of the original, but the spore in Little Mushroom was not created using this method.

    I hope that clears up my thoughts on this. Again, this is nothing personal, as I said earlier, the rest of your comment is fine. It's just that one nitpicky detail that bugs me.

    Tldr: I don't think you should use the words parent or child at all when talking about An Zhe and his spore (even as a comparison).