What's going on?

A_reader August 15, 2024 2:02 am

I came here after i noticed the changed of art style. Someone can tell me what happened to the artist? Did the artist got replaced? Its used to have a good art style and amazing story but now it's like an ai generated. I might drop this if this drags on

    Nixon August 18, 2024 10:52 pm

    Where are you seeing Ai!?

    thisislele August 19, 2024 11:35 am
    Where are you seeing Ai!? Nixon

    like this is so extremely hand drawn idk if they know what ai generated art looks like

    Sugureta August 19, 2024 6:46 pm

    I don’t care much about changes in manhwa art styles/artist; it’s the lazy drawing that bothers me, and unfortunately, that’s what’s happening in this manhwa. It’s really disappointing.

    Nixon August 20, 2024 5:11 pm
    I don’t care much about changes in manhwa art styles/artist; it’s the lazy drawing that bothers me, and unfortunately, that’s what’s happening in this manhwa. It’s really disappointing. Sugureta

    This manhwa has always had “lazy drawing” if you don’t like it then simply drop it,

    Sugureta August 21, 2024 5:07 am
    This manhwa has always had “lazy drawing” if you don’t like it then simply drop it, Nixon

    What are you talking about with 'lazy drawing' all the time? Are you blind or too delusional just to justify the current lazy artwork? The previous drawing was phenomenal.

    Anyway, I dropped it and had already forgotten about it until your reply notification came through.

    Nixon August 21, 2024 3:43 pm
    What are you talking about with 'lazy drawing' all the time? Are you blind or too delusional just to justify the current lazy artwork? The previous drawing was phenomenal. Anyway, I dropped it and had already f... Sugureta

    1: I literally put “ around the words “lazy drawing” for a reason, with that being said no I’m not blind nor am I delusional I’m simply saying the art style has always been IN your own words btw, “Lazy”. With that being said unless you’ve actually seen the progress first hand you generally have no right to call an art style lazy in any format.

    2: “I dropped it and had already forgotten about it until your reply notification came through” being able to forget something Half a day after you sent it is incredible.

    Sugureta August 21, 2024 5:04 pm
    1: I literally put “ around the words “lazy drawing” for a reason, with that being said no I’m not blind nor am I delusional I’m simply saying the art style has always been IN your own words btw, “L... Nixon

    I have other things going on in my life and only visit this website in my free time, so why should I constantly think about this manhwa? I don’t even always remember my favorite manhwa, let alone this one. If you do, maybe you should go out and touch grass or something.

    Honestly, your replies keep pulling me back into this manhwa and making me remember it again.


    Nixon August 21, 2024 7:30 pm
    I have other things going on in my life and only visit this website in my free time, so why should I constantly think about this manhwa? I don’t even always remember my favorite manhwa, let alone this one. If... Sugureta

    I need to go outside and touch grass because I’m able to remember what manhwa I’m reading? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard

    Sugureta August 22, 2024 10:14 am
    I need to go outside and touch grass because I’m able to remember what manhwa I’m reading? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard Nixon

    Nah… you’re low on comprehension.

    Why are you still replying if you want me to drop this? Staph…

    Nixon August 22, 2024 10:34 pm
    Nah… you’re low on comprehension. Why are you still replying if you want me to drop this? Staph… Sugureta

    “don’t even always remember my favorite manhwa, let alone this one. If you do, maybe you should go out and touch grass or something”

    “You’re low on compression” no you just need better wording, anyways you can always ignore me, your choosing to reply to me while I’m choosing to reply to you