1: it’s a lot more common for people to think most people in amercia have blonde hair and blue eyes { from my acknowledgment at least } which is why the author seems to portray most of them so far as that, it could be due to lack of research of the author simply not wanting to show other characters just yet.
2: your second statement slightly confuses me, when you say “and not any of the poor homeless people you saw (who are victims)” like what do you mean by this?
3: { this is my personal opinion if you don’t agree that’s fine!! I’m also BPOC } normally I would be mad about the way they portrayed the first black character or at least side characters but I feel like in this case it’s different, like don’t get me wrong I’m not fond of it but at the same time the author isn’t simply portraying black people as thugs but also other races. On top of that the author is also pointing out countless problems with America that some people aren’t aware of { like drugs, gun violence etc }

Quick add on since I forgot I can’t edit this after sending it
I do hope however the author does add black characters to this arc, like ones who are somewhat going to be the main focus if that makes sense. I also hope that the author dose proper research when it comes to certain races.
so far the author has done a good job with portraying the good and bad sides of America, they’ve also done a good job at portraying certain disabilities and other things such as Albinism.

I mean that the author of manwha’s love to demonise black people, or people of a darker complexion whilst displaying races they favour in a positive light. Of course being homeless isn’t positive, but I’m not talking about the situation itself, I’m talking about the intended response from seeing all these homeless people. The first reaction would be pity, and feeling sorry for them. All these white homeless people on the street who are innocent victims. And then, we got the other side of the story, where the white people are displayed as pro-footballers, rich, high-class and wealthy. The whole spectrum for the portrayal of white people is showing them to the audience in a way that will never get a bad reaction, and put stereotypes into their head. But then we have other races, who aren’t shown on such spectrum and just given straight up THUG for a character role.
Honest question. Why does the author think that only white people with blond hair live in America and the UK? I never usually expect manwha’s to have a lot of diversity, but when your only portrayal of a black person is a thug, and not any of the poor homeless people you saw (who are victims) or the bike riders (who are loved) then it’s just a bit iffy. Especially if we’re talking about manhattan where there are so much African Americans.