I don’t see why people are confused. Do Yoon is acting better because he pushed Yejun to...

MangaMoon August 13, 2024 1:41 pm

I don’t see why people are confused. Do Yoon is acting better because he pushed Yejun too far and Yejun said he was at his limit. He wanted Yejun back, and he’s always been a “good guy” around the kid. He backed off because what he was doing wasn’t working and he was losing Yejun. I’m not saying he isn’t still a POS for how he went about things, but people are commenting like this has turned into a completely different story. Yejun always had feelings for DoYoon, he hid them because DoYoon was cold when they were younger. DoYoon’s goal since they met again as adults has always been to get Yejun back, he was just using force before and realized it wasn’t working. Yejun has always been friendly to Doyoon around their kid, and DoYoon and the kid have always gotten along well.

    wonssik August 13, 2024 2:10 pm

    finally, someone who gets it

    wonders August 13, 2024 2:17 pm

    Cleary someone who pays attention to the personal traits of the ML and MC, I love your explanation

    CerruleanBlue August 13, 2024 3:32 pm

    Yeah. Not to mention, he had a kid behind the guy's back. I don't mean that he was responsible for the rut they spent together, but he fled with someone else's kid. Although Doyoon was a total asshole for how they reunited and everything he forcefully did after that to insure Yejun would not flee again, I see where the guy is coming from when you learn you had a kid all this time and you didn't know about it. Whether he wanted one or not, nobody gave him a chance a being a father.

    CerruleanBlue August 13, 2024 3:37 pm

    So yeah, Doyoon is nuts for sure. Doesn't mean he is stupid. I totally agree the guy just decided to change strategy at having Yejun and be "comfortable" enough around him. Whether its coming from sincere sentiment or just convenience, we will see but the goal hasn't changed for Doyun from the start.

    AWinterWonderLand August 13, 2024 3:51 pm


    Too many IMMATURE readers on here ...

    MangaMoon August 13, 2024 6:32 pm
    Yeah. Not to mention, he had a kid behind the guy's back. I don't mean that he was responsible for the rut they spent together, but he fled with someone else's kid. Although Doyoon was a total asshole for how t... CerruleanBlue

    He didn’t necessarily flee. They’d broken up and he thought DoYoon didn’t want anything to do with him. He probably also thought he’d be arrested because apparently what he did, although unintentional, could be considered a crime. It seems like a lot of his actions were for the sake of his child. They were college kids being dumb and unsure of how to understand/express their feelings.

    Not to mention, based on what DoYoon is saying, it’s probably a good thing he was gone until now. Otherwise DoYoons father may have done something to YeJun and taken his son. It’s obvious that DoYoon only recently has been able to stand up to his father and be in the position to provide YeJun some protection. Look at what happened with DoYoons mother.

    wonders August 14, 2024 5:28 pm
    He didn’t necessarily flee. They’d broken up and he thought DoYoon didn’t want anything to do with him. He probably also thought he’d be arrested because apparently what he did, although unintentional, ... MangaMoon

    My love you're so hot for this! Hell yeah and MC was still beta at that time! He manifested only after their last hookup which was during ML's rut. Did MC even know that he was pregnant when they broke off their FWB relationship bfore going back to korea? I don't think so. He's been living his whole life as a beta and suddenly carrying a child must have been so confusing and contacting ML is obly not an option anymore bcause they separated on bad terms.

    MangaMoon August 15, 2024 10:04 pm
    My love you're so hot for this! Hell yeah and MC was still beta at that time! He manifested only after their last hookup which was during ML's rut. Did MC even know that he was pregnant when they broke off the... wonders

    So true! I think he was slowly manifesting before that last hook up because he was feeling kind of ill and showing some signs, but being present during DoYoon’s rut definitely sealed the deal! He was probably scared and confused and doing the best he he could given the situation. It amazes me how much people are missing of the storyline. The author is doing a pretty good job with telling the story as long as you’re paying attention. I think this is why quite a few good stories get a lot of hate, unfortunately.