Hahahaha I'll say the same then. Not like there are a lot of options. You did say not to spoil too much ಠ◡ಠ Not like her cat likes it here in the Palace (☞゚∀゚)☞ Mayo Nessa
Spoil me did she ended up with that blonde dude? Hope not
I read some comments saying she didn't end up with that guy the blonde guy. It seems this story is about family. Like how she deals with her family and the emperor. That's all I know. But I'm not sure.
Spoil me did she ended up with that blonde dude? Hope not Yilin
About Blondie
No wedding or anything but they definitely ended up together. I don't recall if he even left the Dukedom because his dad was against it. Don't remember too much but romance is definitely not the main goal to the story.
About BlondieNo wedding or anything but they definitely ended up together. I don't recall if he even left the Dukedom because his dad was against it. Don't remember too much but romance is definitely not the ma... Mayo Nessa
Yes yes that's what I meant as well. This storyline about family.
please someone spoil me. i badly need hints who shes gonna end up with but dont spoil too much ;-;