i love those too!! i feel like they deserve to have a corner of their own since they worked hard to give us new chapters BUT... there are times where the chapter is like really emotional, serious, dramatic and then at the end of the chapter there's like a funny meme from the translators ( ̄∇ ̄") i dont like it because it ruins the mood so much

It's good when it's at the bottom but I hate when they keep leaving their opinions throughout the chapter like pleaseee I'm trying to read save your thoughts for the end of the chapter but I don't mind when they drop a little joke here or there throughout it just irks me when they don't stop leaving their notes throughout the entire chapter
Unpopular opinion but I loooooove the little translators commentary and the memes and tl corner at the end. Does anyone else feel otherwise? If so why? I just what to know the other perspective.