They all need therapy 😭 But in all seriousness the way y’all are reacting to the end ...

InkuX August 13, 2024 7:44 am

They all need therapy But in all seriousness the way y’all are reacting to the end of this chapter tells me most of you havent been paying attention to Tae’s mental state. This man is ACTIVELY breaking down mentally, and because of the miscarriage, he feels he once again got the MC hurt, he’s putting space between them. He doesn’t want to MC to suffer more, something which he had ALREADY been stressing about!

    pennyinheaven August 13, 2024 11:42 am

    BRUH, when you see comments breaking down and angry at Taeju, not understanding what he's trying to end, it just means they don't understand the character or incapable of understanding multiple characters. Just fixated on Euihyun and never understanding how Taeju is written. Someone even replied that it's a mentality of a 5 year old gaslighting. WTF. It's like telling a depressed person that they are the most terrible person in world. I can't with some of these comments.

    InkuX August 16, 2024 6:05 am
    BRUH, when you see comments breaking down and angry at Taeju, not understanding what he's trying to end, it just means they don't understand the character or incapable of understanding multiple characters. Just... pennyinheaven


    Royana August 16, 2024 9:11 am

    exactly the reading comprehension is so low here T___T

    pennyinheaven August 16, 2024 9:36 am

    If you've spoiled yourselves for the next chapter, because I did, Taeju's lines were just gut wrenching.