kikumaru gets on my nerves to an extent in which it becomes unreadable. I genuinely cannot sympathize in the slightest with someone that dates women he isn’t interested in, the “serial heartbreaker” shit reeks of misogyny. Not specific to the character himself, but just a really shitty way of using women as throwaway plot devices as per usual. There’s stupid stuff like “being nice to women will make them fall in love with you.” I have absolutely no reason to like kikumaru whatsoever and being closeted is not a super good reason to be shitty towards women
kikumaru gets on my nerves to an extent in which it becomes unreadable. I genuinely cannot sympathize in the slightest with someone that dates women he isn’t interested in, the “serial heartbreaker” shit reeks of misogyny. Not specific to the character himself, but just a really shitty way of using women as throwaway plot devices as per usual. There’s stupid stuff like “being nice to women will make them fall in love with you.” I have absolutely no reason to like kikumaru whatsoever and being closeted is not a super good reason to be shitty towards women