
OhGurl August 13, 2024 3:07 am

(I know this is a dark story, that's why I'm still reading it and I do enjoy dark stories. This story is not meant to be taken as a "BL type romance" I know this. Although this is a dark story that doesn't just excuse a characters action)

This is going to sound so long winded. You know, it's still so crazy to see people say Taekyung deserves this or Heesoo's in the right. Like JUST WILD! This story is clearly meant to be dark and the POV is split between the hero (Taekyung) and Villain (Heeso).

Taekyung, at his base, is a morally Grey character. He wants to do good, like focusing ong being a good student for his mother, taking care of Heesoo financially after heeso's mother's death, becoming a lawyer, sending Heeso a friend, saving Heesoo from killing himself, appeasing Heesoo's wants/needs. trying to find his ex teachers murder l, etc.

But he always goes about it the wrong way, like not properly communicating with Heesoo's regarding not only who he is, but how he knows him. He doesn't set healthy boundaries with Heesoo, he covers the death of his teacher because his mom was the murderer.

But everything he's done throughout the series hasn't been fully self-satisfying but in a misguided attempt to help/protect others. I don't know about you but if I found out my mother/caretaker murdered a teacher I care about who I spent YEARA looking for the murderer, I don't know how I'd feel. I would be terribly conflicted too.

Heesoo on the other hand has done some unforgivable things for his own needs. He faded from being fairly Grey to a fully dark character.

Heesoo has had a very unfortunate childhood, his mother dies in a fire and then he has to live with an emotionally/financially abusive family. This leads to so many people forgiving him when he does things like raping Taekyung.

Murder can be excused sometimes, covering for murder can be excused sometimes, but there is NEVER an excuse to rape or kidnap someone. Heesoo, before finding out about his mother's Murder, is actively assaulting Taekyung and even fantasize about breaking Taekyung leg to keep him bound. Taekyung repeatedly said he didn't want to have sex and Heesoo threatened him with self harm and guilt. In adulthood Heesoo is still doing this and it's only for self.

Idk this was so long and I doubt anyone read this but to see so many people still give Heesoo grace and demonize Taekyung makes me so upset.
Im not saying Taekung isnt without fault, but to see that he deserves to be kidnapped, assaulted, and rape, is so messed up. Really pretty privilege at its finest.
