Why I don’t want Horus and Seth together

toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 3:05 am

1) Seth tried to rape Horus, Horus then raped Seth.
2) Horus then SA’d Seth multiple times after.
3) Seth, even till this point in the story, seems to be asexual and disinterested in sex, with any gender. He might even be aromantic. Sex seems to be a means to an end, to create a family. The one kiss he gave Horus was because of an overwhelming wave of emotions, grief, sadness, relief, etc. It was not sexual. Kisses aren’t always sexual. If they do end up together in a sexual relationship, it would disregard everything we’ve seen about Seth, even before he met Horus. That would be inconsistent and would warp the story to fit an ending that I do not think fits.
4) Horus still calls Seth uncle. WHY ARE YOU CALLING YOUR SUPPOSED LOVE INTEREST UNCLE? Some real Freudian shit is going on here.

    levipleasecallmeback August 13, 2024 9:54 am
    What would you call a rape kink? He’s been raped so many damn times. All of that was not necessary, if the author thinks it’s necessary to portray all of that through rape then I think that’s lazy because... toastyBooksAndTea

    rape kink is having an actual, real life fetish to rape scenarios?? as in the play gives them sexual gratification. this generalization is not a healthy mindset to have with dark/dead dove media. think of people who write about murderers, torture, or creators of horror in general: these people don’t have kinks for it by creating works with triggering scenes. while yes any of this is considered unnecessary, you don’t have to consume it… its literally just fiction and none of these characters or stories are real nor have an affect on real people. btw im not telling you to drop this either, but im confused why you read dark media and then complain about said dark media

    also idrc if u dislike seth and horus or not, that’s 100% personal preference. but you can’t just take out the context for the sa/rape as if these are humans + horus wasn’t controlled for the worst of it. while its great u think seth should have a fairy tale ending, i only called you the morality police because i saw you criticize someone for shipping seth/horus and also keep calling out the problematic content when that’s literally the entire webtoon (all of it is dead dove)

    Miriko August 13, 2024 12:33 pm

    How and when is point 2 true? I only recall the 1st encounter and the unofficial fanservice that's not canon

    Rose Naya August 13, 2024 1:01 pm
    What do you think the kiss i reference is from? toastyBooksAndTea

    and? did you not see what happened after that? how does that show he is asexual? I mean yeah he's been through a lot but that doesnt show he's not interested in anything romantic

    Athanarese August 13, 2024 5:40 pm

    Okay and, why are you still here reading this FICTION up to the latest chapter if you're going to hate? It is not the author's fault if their readers does not know how to seperate FICTION from REALITY.

    RottenElle August 14, 2024 5:10 am
    Yeah, that’s what I mean, he thinks of sex as a means of getting a family. A means to an end. And even before Osirishit mentioned he stole Anubis’s soul he literally didn’t care about Nephthys potentially... toastyBooksAndTea

    Yeah I also think that what they feel for each other wasn't that deep, not as much as how Isis felt with the green bastard. But can't Seth see it as a duty to his family while also enjoy doing the deed? With how harmonious they are, it doesn't seem like Seth have rejected her before. There's just no clear indication that seth has a problem with it.

    cocopuffs August 14, 2024 12:59 pm

    This story is clearly not for you . Go away

    toastyBooksAndTea August 14, 2024 11:50 pm
    rape kink is having an actual, real life fetish to rape scenarios?? as in the play gives them sexual gratification. this generalization is not a healthy mindset to have with dark/dead dove media. think of peopl... levipleasecallmeback

    Jfc, relax, all I said is that I don’t want them together, them not being together is not a fairy tale ending, how could that be? You thinking that them not being together is a fairly tale ending shows you think it would would be terrible that Horus and Seth end up together. And I wasn’t criticising a Horus and Seth shipper, I was criticising how they glorified Horus’s infantilising behaviour while disregarding his total lack of boundaries and his subsequent feelings of entitlement towards Seth.

    toastyBooksAndTea August 14, 2024 11:53 pm
    Okay and, why are you still here reading this FICTION up to the latest chapter if you're going to hate? It is not the author's fault if their readers does not know how to seperate FICTION from REALITY. Athanarese

    Bro all I said is that I do not want Horus and Seth together and have my reasons, how is that hate??? Why is everyone personally offended by this??????

    toastyBooksAndTea August 14, 2024 11:55 pm
    This story is clearly not for you . Go away cocopuffs

    Jfc, why has looking at things critically become hate? If I don’t fully agree with the story and I want to analyse it then I’m not allowed to read it? Only non critical opinions and analysis are allowed? How boring

    toastyBooksAndTea August 14, 2024 11:59 pm
    rape kink is having an actual, real life fetish to rape scenarios?? as in the play gives them sexual gratification. this generalization is not a healthy mindset to have with dark/dead dove media. think of peopl... levipleasecallmeback

    Oh wait, shit, yeah I said some fairytale ending shit in my reply comment, sorry about that, in my original comment though I just don’t see them together, that’s all. I’m fact, I don’t see him with anyone, maybe just reconciling with family, that’s all

    levipleasecallmeback August 15, 2024 1:58 am
    Jfc, relax, all I said is that I don’t want them together, them not being together is not a fairy tale ending, how could that be? You thinking that them not being together is a fairly tale ending shows you th... toastyBooksAndTea

    ew why are u telling me to relax when there was literally nothing overly dramatic about my reply… it was a normal response to what you said. you gotta chill with this pretentious holier than thou attitude

    me saying “fairy tale” was a figure of speech bro. idk if you are truly reading the same story as all of us but it was simply a jab at you for expecting an off-course ending. the romance in the story has revolved around horus and seth starting to see eye to eye, so it genuinely wouldn’t make sense to add in a random love interest after all that’s happened between them. i really don’t know how u jumped to those conclusions?? but i was essentially pointing out how the you’re kinda ignoring the story/plot, then applying regular romance ideals. does that make sense. ofc no one would actually want a rapist and victim together but in this story incest, genocide, violence, and otherworldly beings are heavily present so it’s not really THAT insane for people to enjoy chemistry and genuine fondness between seth/horus

    also im begging webtoon readers to stop using therapy terms for things you just find annoying or just want to criticize. “glorified” “infantilizing” “boundaries” “feelings of entitlement” i don’t think you even understand how to apply these terms. while it’s valid you don’t like how horus treated seth or don’t ship them, ur jumping great lengths to minimize seth’s character and also wrongly label these behaviors

    toastyBooksAndTea August 15, 2024 2:25 am

    Perhaps the term boundaries can be described as “therapy speak” but the other words are just descriptive vocabulary for what is happening, how would you describe them? Glorified is literally a regular word bro, so is infantilise. “Feelings of entitlement” has started to be regularly used and is in the zeitgeist to articulate things that used to be hard to articulate before. It feels like you zoned out when you read that last sentence, that’s the easiest and fastest way to convey what I wanted to say. It’s succinct, I could’ve gone a roundabout way to avoid the words that you immediately dismiss upon seeing and you don’t like.

    There ain’t no romance here bro, idk what you are reading, on one hand you call shit dead dove (a term I literally never knew existed before your comment) on the other hand, readers aren’t prepped with the expectations that come with that term here. Literally. Seth has never once truly given in or shown any type of reciprocation to anyone throughout the entire story. What chemistry???? Seth ending up without a romantic partner with strengthened familial ties in the end isn’t off course.

    toastyBooksAndTea August 15, 2024 2:39 am
    ew why are u telling me to relax when there was literally nothing overly dramatic about my reply… it was a normal response to what you said. you gotta chill with this pretentious holier than thou attitudeme s... levipleasecallmeback

    Perhaps the term boundaries can be described as “therapy speak” but the other words are just descriptive vocabulary for what is happening, how would you describe them? Glorified is literally a regular word bro, so is infantilise. “Feelings of entitlement” has started to be regularly used and is in the zeitgeist to articulate things that used to be hard to articulate before. It feels like you zoned out when you read that last sentence, that’s the easiest and fastest way to convey what I wanted to say. It’s succinct, I could’ve gone a roundabout way to avoid the words that you immediately dismiss upon seeing and you don’t like.

    There ain’t no romance here bro, idk what you are reading, on one hand you call shit dead dove (a term I literally never knew existed before your comment) on the other hand, readers aren’t prepped with the expectations that come with that term here. Literally. Seth has never once truly given in or shown any type of reciprocation to anyone throughout the entire story. What chemistry???? Seth ending up without a romantic partner with strengthened familial ties in the end isn’t off course.

    cocopuffs August 15, 2024 8:51 am
    Jfc, why has looking at things critically become hate? If I don’t fully agree with the story and I want to analyse it then I’m not allowed to read it? Only non critical opinions and analysis are allowed? Ho... toastyBooksAndTea

    Good awayyy. You're in here acting like a faux intellectual when really you're just an annoying cvnt. Non of your points make sense, you build two thirds of them based off of assumptions and your bird brain deciphering of the plot written by an Eastern author with your stupid Western mindset.

    You want to analyze but you suck at it and now the comment section is subjugated to your bonus chromosomed takes

    levipleasecallmeback August 15, 2024 11:43 am
    Perhaps the term boundaries can be described as “therapy speak” but the other words are just descriptive vocabulary for what is happening, how would you describe them? Glorified is literally a regular word ... toastyBooksAndTea

    the amount of flowery language is astounding. it’s weird, since i genuinely hate the anti-intellectual movement happening within modern culture. so you’d think id enjoy seeing someone thoughtfully rant, but you explained your side using every word in the thesaurus to explain such simple opinions

    its not a regular term in this context bro. again, u paired it with therapy speech which changes the connotation it’s in. for you to say i wasn’t digesting your paragraph at all or purposefully skipped it because i pointed out how you incorrectly diagnose actions and behaviors is completely disingenuous ? it makes our convo redundant when you do that. to further explain, i called out the use of those phrases because there is a better way to identify what horus does without inflating the action itself. you mischaracterize them but cover it up by using that vocabulary instead of digging deep into what truly bothers you about these scenes. horus does lack boundaries (not in this ch) i agree with that but saying he feels entitled to seth and infantilizing him is where i was lost. it goes against their characterization + ignores the context for why he takes care of seth. it’s not because horus believes he’s incapable; when he takes the reigns its only because seth needs it and doesn’t realize how he’s now incapable of doing things like before. he can fall ill, he can bleed, and it’s possible for him to be weak against humans. horus worships seth!! and rather than entitlement i thought we were just seeing him heavily pursue and court someone he’s admired for as long as he can remember. on the flip side seth is unable to accept being taken care of. he’s been a strong and powerful ruler, so his reluctance/dislike of doting stems from his own complex + dominating nature. rather than boundaries, his heavy denial is more of a response out of anger and frustration because he thinks getting any assistance = weak

    levipleasecallmeback August 15, 2024 11:44 am
    Perhaps the term boundaries can be described as “therapy speak” but the other words are just descriptive vocabulary for what is happening, how would you describe them? Glorified is literally a regular word ... toastyBooksAndTea

    i don’t think you’ve experienced fandoms for long or read enough media if you didn’t know what “dead dove” was before. ofc there’s tw on the official site however an illegal one won’t coddle ppl. if someone is old enough to read adult mature fiction, the least they can do is look at the tags/tw/genre/etc. that’s basic media consumption etiquette. also something tells me slow burn is not really a genre you enjoy, within this season we are seeing more of seth softening with horus’s presence?? it’s hard to explain chemistry to someone who only views chemistry as overt words instead of seeing subtle development through actions or details during newer interactions. to bring it up again, seth’s role as a leader and omniscient entity stunts his way of showing affection. he genuinely loved his wife until everything that went down. but also i wouldn’t think his priority right now is to pursue a relationship when egypt is destabilizing, his son is under osiris’s control, he needs to soothe the unrested souls, and much more needs to be resolved

    levipleasecallmeback August 15, 2024 11:55 am
    the amount of flowery language is astounding. it’s weird, since i genuinely hate the anti-intellectual movement happening within modern culture. so you’d think id enjoy seeing someone thoughtfully rant, but... levipleasecallmeback

    *correction: when i said “it’s not because horus believes he’s incapable” i misspoke so the whole sentence sounds off

    to rephrase, what i meant was: “it’s not because horus believes an extreme that seth is a child always in need of saving”

    toastyBooksAndTea August 15, 2024 1:29 pm
    Good awayyy. You're in here acting like a faux intellectual when really you're just an annoying cvnt. Non of your points make sense, you build two thirds of them based off of assumptions and your bird brain dec... cocopuffs

    All of these mfs are related so I should be seeing “aunt”, “mother”, “father”, and “uncle” a whooole lot more than I’m seeing now. Hathor is literally aunt/sister to some of the gods we see. Can you explain why that is not happening but somehow Horus never fails to call Seth uncle?

    Athanarese August 15, 2024 7:38 pm

    Maybe you should read all your replies and try to find something you said that is not about hating this manhwa. As I've said, it's a YOU problem if you can't seperate FICTION from REALITY, and cocopuffs is right, this story ain't for you. If you don't like psychological, disgusting, etc stories like this, then go read your fluffy BLs.

    Athanarese August 15, 2024 7:40 pm
    Bro all I said is that I do not want Horus and Seth together and have my reasons, how is that hate??? Why is everyone personally offended by this?????? toastyBooksAndTea

    Just to be clear, my recent comment was supposed to reply here.