Why I don’t want Horus and Seth together

toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 3:05 am

1) Seth tried to rape Horus, Horus then raped Seth.
2) Horus then SA’d Seth multiple times after.
3) Seth, even till this point in the story, seems to be asexual and disinterested in sex, with any gender. He might even be aromantic. Sex seems to be a means to an end, to create a family. The one kiss he gave Horus was because of an overwhelming wave of emotions, grief, sadness, relief, etc. It was not sexual. Kisses aren’t always sexual. If they do end up together in a sexual relationship, it would disregard everything we’ve seen about Seth, even before he met Horus. That would be inconsistent and would warp the story to fit an ending that I do not think fits.
4) Horus still calls Seth uncle. WHY ARE YOU CALLING YOUR SUPPOSED LOVE INTEREST UNCLE? Some real Freudian shit is going on here.

    JayJay (I'm back!) August 13, 2024 2:51 am

    4) That's Asian language for you... or at least, that's what readers of Asian descent told us). This webtoon is Korean, so. They reasoned he began calling him the "uncle" at first because not doing it would have been disrespectful (being enemies apparently doesn't give you the green light not to address someone respectfully). It gets even more complicated when you take into account how in many Asian languages they can call even practical strangers with variations of "brother, sister, uncle, aunt, granny" merely to indicate respect, depending on the other person's age in relation to yours.

    ruru August 13, 2024 3:27 am

    broo, all the Egyptian gods are related , just like the greeks lmaooo

    Need a buff soft man August 13, 2024 3:38 am

    Actually in the next chaps we'll see that Seth did enjoy doing the deed with his ex wife and loved her romantically too

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 3:44 am
    Actually in the next chaps we'll see that Seth did enjoy doing the deed with his ex wife and loved her romantically too Need a buff soft man

    That’s what I’m saying, 165 ch gone to garbage to change what the author has shown and portrayed till now, but why do I expect more when the author clearly has a rape kink

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 3:46 am

    Why does no one call the sun god aunt or mother?

    JayJay (I'm back!) August 13, 2024 3:54 am
    Why does no one call the sun god aunt or mother? toastyBooksAndTea

    Hathor does call her "mother", though? "Sun god" is probably even more respectful than "mother", I think. Moreover, her gender's a mystery: mythical Ra had both male and female forms (and this Ra does give birth all by herself)

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 4:07 am
    Hathor does call her "mother", though? "Sun god" is probably even more respectful than "mother", I think. Moreover, her gender's a mystery: mythical Ra had both male and female forms (and this Ra does give birt... JayJay (I'm back!)

    That what I mean, only Hathor does, why not call Seth War god then?

    JayJay (I'm back!) August 13, 2024 4:22 am
    That what I mean, only Hathor does, why not call Seth War god then? toastyBooksAndTea

    Well, his mother Isis was the one who raised him, and she is one of the four gods that Ra berated for "wanting to live like humans" and being "obsessed with family relationships"... According to Ra, family relationships shouldn't be THAT important to gods... (aside from the fact that, according to god Anubis, "all gods instinctly know who sired them"

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 4:42 am
    Well, his mother Isis was the one who raised him, and she is one of the four gods that Ra berated for "wanting to live like humans" and being "obsessed with family relationships"... According to Ra, family rela... JayJay (I'm back!)

    Yessss, so if ya wanna get with your uncle, stop calling him uncleeee, and Horus does treat Seth as an uncle and vice versa many times

    JayJay (I'm back!) August 13, 2024 5:11 am
    Yessss, so if ya wanna get with your uncle, stop calling him uncleeee, and Horus does treat Seth as an uncle and vice versa many times toastyBooksAndTea

    It's definitely Isis' influence: Horus said he learned of Seth's "good guy" past as defender of Egypt through his mom's tales about him, in the form of illustration's that covered Isis' entire temple. Back then, she even used to refer to Seth as "little bro", so if Horus read that stuff, it's obvious how he came to see someone he'd barely seen as his "uncle".

    Hopefully, he'll become a god and stop all that. I think marital relationships probably override prior ones, since I noticed that while Seth did call Osiris "brother", he never called Nephthys "sister": it was always "my wife" (even though Nephthys WAS, also, his sister). Same with Isis and Osiris: to Isis, Osiris was always "my husband", and never her "brother". ...Weird how kid Anubis never called Osiris and Isis' his "uncle and aunt", though. So it's probably Isis' influence (she was the one who cared about that stuff).

    Nubian_Goddess2.0 August 13, 2024 5:28 am

    You forget that all the gods in this time in Egypt are basically siblings and some ended up pairing with another so I don’t think being siblings or uncle and nephew applies here. Cause who are the gods supposed to be with and make more gods if not themselves right? They’re basically keeping it in the family.

    Rkkn August 13, 2024 5:41 am

    Did you mistook the AU stories in 2 ? That's not a part of the main story. After Horus was under the influenced of Sekhmet, he never touched Seth with the intention of wanting to fuck him, he does take care of Seth because he actually care about Seth.

    YmmaS August 13, 2024 5:53 am

    Pensar é difícil né

    RottenElle August 13, 2024 7:38 am

    honestly what exactly did we see about seth that made you believe he's aromatic or disinterested in sex? what he is now is the result of the multiple sexual assault he experienced that happened to be all under men. I think those experiences imprinted the idea that sex between men is just a means to subdue the other. also, just because this manhwa hasn't depicted the sexual scenes between him and nephthys or any other character doesn't mean he's never been sexually interested to them or did it. remember, he believed that anubis is his son so from this we can say that they did it before. there's also that scene way before where he attempted assault horus but sekhmet intervened. SO there are already hints WAAY BEFORE that Seth is not completely disinclined to do sexual things.

    levipleasecallmeback August 13, 2024 7:39 am

    you do you! but mind you this is based off the real gods of egypt (since you were questioning why its there) and the author is just using some of the real mythology then creating a story from those legends

    i think the scariest thing about readers nowadays is how yall tend to ethic police everything. when you can be uncomfortable with a work + also not support or enjoy irl the things done in the story. its okay to find this story entertaining or interesting!! it’s very possible to criticize these things outside the story but still see it as a fictional work of art that has an origin as well. also i wouldn’t call it so much as a rape kink for writing about rape lmao? im not saying its necessary but it played a role several times throughout the story (loss of power, gaining power, betrayal, complete control and submission). and lastly these were gods who don’t have any moral compass or humanity

    Rose Naya August 13, 2024 7:53 am

    seth is not aromantic or disinterested did you not read the isis temple arc?

    Panstyr August 13, 2024 8:02 am

    Are we reading the same manhwa? Just genuinely asking.

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 9:20 am
    seth is not aromantic or disinterested did you not read the isis temple arc? Rose Naya

    What do you think the kiss i reference is from?

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 9:30 am
    honestly what exactly did we see about seth that made you believe he's aromatic or disinterested in sex? what he is now is the result of the multiple sexual assault he experienced that happened to be all under ... RottenElle

    Yeah, that’s what I mean, he thinks of sex as a means of getting a family. A means to an end. And even before Osirishit mentioned he stole Anubis’s soul he literally didn’t care about Nephthys potentially sleeping with someone else or using someone else’s sperm, he was always more worried about Anubis not being his bio child, he hasn’t really shown he cared for her more than her being his family and partner, his wife, he never seemed deeply in love with her at all. He just seemed to want companionship and family. And now he is just neutral, he doesn’t care at all. Now, if the author starts somehow going back and portraying his relationship with Nephthys differently, as some sort of retroactive change, it will be that, a retroactive change, because what we have seen of Seth, what we know for sure and what has been shown is that he always wanted a family and he was so deeply lonely because he didn’t have that. Mostly, a family with his son. Yes, he attempted to rape Horus but not to sexually satisfy himself, it was to humiliate him, even in the original myth, it is humiliation. And that is what Seth himself said, no hard feelings, this is what has to happen. Just because he has had sex before doesn’t mean he is inclined to sex or is not ace. Asexual people do have and have had sex.

    toastyBooksAndTea August 13, 2024 9:38 am
    you do you! but mind you this is based off the real gods of egypt (since you were questioning why its there) and the author is just using some of the real mythology then creating a story from those legendsi thi... levipleasecallmeback

    What would you call a rape kink? He’s been raped so many damn times. All of that was not necessary, if the author thinks it’s necessary to portray all of that through rape then I think that’s lazy because many stories are able to portray the same things in many different with higher impact. The author has not shown even when sexual experience of Seth that is not assault or anywhere Seth has enthusiastically consented. And it’s drawn to be yaoi, those scenes. How can you not call it a rape kink? And all I said is that I don’t see them together, I’m not the morality police here, I am still here reading it, hoping that Seth gets a good ending with someone who has never sexually assaulted him and in a way that is consistent with the character we’ve seen till now