OMG GUYS i want thro the raws and its gonna go insane

MaviSupernova August 12, 2024 10:39 pm

So like after this they have dinner together its nice sparks between the leads but then ooooh but then

Meanwhile trash Fresse (german insult its similar to his name so im using it / derogatory /) reaches home and whines about fl and his fiancé hears it (she runs to him when she heard he reached home she was annoying his trash bag mum about the fl) and she fcking goes all psychopath like live less withe eyes super creepy

So the next day fl and Vincent leave cause she goes to the trash bags fiancés place toe throw the money she threw at her earlier back at her and had added 10x the amount for extra weight, and that psycho fiancé is throwing a hissy fit and for the billions time the fl has to explain that she doesn't want Fresse and that hoe orders her family knights to fcking attack her

Like a dozen or so fully grown men trained knights go at her thank goodness Vincent is there to protect her and takes them out non lethally and they leave
Fl feels bad cause trash fiancé looked hurt and now ahe feels like a villain but Vincent reassures her and she decides again to let go og the og novel story and live how she wants

Meanwhile fresse gets yelled at and hit by his dad cause the baron came to quite cause now they have enough money with the mine and the duke doesn't take that well cause the baron worked for him and as his superior he obviously deserves the mining rights the fl gave to Vincent more so he oders fresse to do what ever possible to get them

So that ass bag fcking hold the baron /fls dad hostage so she comes cause first he threatened him to just give the fcking mine to them
obviously dad says no and that the rights are with fl she bought it its hers to decide so he takes dad hostage
Fl and Vincent shows up fresse throws a tantrum that because his dad beat him as a kid and the only place he could flee to was the close by baron mansion were fl lives his source of comfort so she needs to stop and go back ro how it used to be and she doesn't want that Vincent tells fresse that to fl the only true villain his he himself (fresse) and he is shocked then trash bag hoe duchess comes in and tells the fl and so they are rude and what not and the servants immediately start badmouthing Vincent to which she tells them to stop he his her lover lol that happens at ch20 more aint out yet lol
