Just my opinion

malakingPoohday August 12, 2024 8:25 pm

I think those people who miss the "Old Mangago" where people literally bypass toxic relationship doesn't realize that it's the same old people who have gone through reading those shit-ass manga and have just outgrown those types of manga. I know cause I'm one of those. Maybe maturing is when you feel the need to throw hands at the author for romanticizing something that's supposed to be harmful in a relationship.

    Ridora ;) August 12, 2024 8:52 pm

    Question tho what was the old man ga go Like?

    Ridora ;) August 12, 2024 8:53 pm


    Timber August 12, 2024 9:09 pm

    Maturity is realizing you're reading works of fiction that are, in fact, cartoons made for adult entertainment and are not "guidebooks" for real life

    rou2x August 12, 2024 9:20 pm
    Maturity is realizing you're reading works of fiction that are, in fact, cartoons made for adult entertainment and are not "guidebooks" for real life Timber

    that's not maturity though? that's just a way to justify indulging in problematic content. sure, those stories aren't guidebooks, but they do reflect something about your values and what you find acceptable as entertainment.

    Sadistic-Senpai-Loves-2-Offend August 12, 2024 9:27 pm
    Maturity is realizing you're reading works of fiction that are, in fact, cartoons made for adult entertainment and are not "guidebooks" for real life Timber

    This!!! Exactly.

    Rebeca August 12, 2024 10:05 pm
    that's not maturity though? that's just a way to justify indulging in problematic content. sure, those stories aren't guidebooks, but they do reflect something about your values and what you find acceptable as ... rou2x

    Strange I never tought that torturing and killing people is okay but I still read stories where its portrayed positively. Let's be honest the only thing people categorise as "problematic" in fiction are things related to sex. That's why people say you guys are affected by purity culture. Because anything than pristine snow white is bad in that topic. You can't tell me that you look at murder in fiction and can tell it's wrong even if it's justified and portrayed as good while can't do the same with a sexual act that you know is bad Irl just like murder is bad irl. I seriously worry about plp who have a hard time with this.( ̄∇ ̄")

    Im_reading_lol August 12, 2024 10:14 pm
    Strange I never tought that torturing and killing people is okay but I still read stories where its portrayed positively. Let's be honest the only thing people categorise as "problematic" in fiction are things ... Rebeca

    Frr, finely a normal person here

    rou2x August 12, 2024 10:29 pm
    Strange I never tought that torturing and killing people is okay but I still read stories where its portrayed positively. Let's be honest the only thing people categorise as "problematic" in fiction are things ... Rebeca

    im not sure why sex is being singled out as the only problematic element in fiction. there are plenty of other issues like various types of abuse, illegal age gaps, and more that are just as concerning. when I mentioned 'problematic content,' i wasn't only thinking about sexual themes.

    my main issue is that some yaoi/BL authors use serious issues as plot devices without giving them the depth and consideration they deserve. it’s becoming a trend to include these elements just to move the plot forward, and that’s a problem.

    sure, people can enjoy reading whatever they like, but these themes shouldn’t be normalized. authors should find better ways to make their stories compelling without relying on problematic content, and readers should be able to recognize why romanticizing these issues is wrong.

    Sadistic-Senpai-Loves-2-Offend August 12, 2024 10:41 pm
    im not sure why sex is being singled out as the only problematic element in fiction. there are plenty of other issues like various types of abuse, illegal age gaps, and more that are just as concerning. when I ... rou2x

    Lol. Bro, have you never read any other country’s “problematic content” fiction and literature outside your bl/yaoi comics?

    rou2x August 12, 2024 10:48 pm
    Lol. Bro, have you never read any other country’s “problematic content” fiction and literature outside your bl/yaoi comics? Sadistic-Senpai-Loves-2-Offend

    i have. i just focused on bl/yaoi contents because i think they're the most popular ones in this site but i can't even begin in other genres, lits, even shows and movies.

    Abel✯lied August 12, 2024 11:03 pm
    im not sure why sex is being singled out as the only problematic element in fiction. there are plenty of other issues like various types of abuse, illegal age gaps, and more that are just as concerning. when I ... rou2x

    Me when I'm on the infinite stolen shitty yaoi website and read some stolen shitty yaoi. And listing out age gaps and abuse as issues that appear in manga/manhwa besides sex, makes it seem like you're not actually looking for interesting stories, just for romance. Which is fine, I'm not here to read any philosophical works, though I'm sure I'd find it here if I was interested.

    The reason why do many manhwas have morally problematic elements, is because they're mass produced to titillate the average reader. People already know these things are wrong. No amount of tentacle hentai will make you go to the deli and commit unspeakable acts lol. And I can fully understand the urge to criticize a story for it's moral failings, but you have to ask yourself, is it worth the time? Is the story taking itself seriously? Is this just porn or are there themes in this story that are with further consideration? It's like being mad when a boy gets hit with a giant mallet in a comedy. Sure, problematic irl, but it's purpose here is to invoke a physical reaction out of you, not to justify mallet beatings or to have a serious discussion about it's pros and cons.

    I know that I started this comment condescendingly, but there are some amazing works out art on here, but you have to let go of wanting to read something safe and predictable, if you want to find it. Consider what you like in stories. If it is indeed the deeper analysis of real issues, go find those. If it is a fluffy feeling you get from a romance, there are tons of lists of wholesome mangas on here.

    Ridora ;) August 12, 2024 11:10 pm

    This type of argument have been going for years in this website bro when will it end

    rou2x August 12, 2024 11:32 pm
    Me when I'm on the infinite stolen shitty yaoi website and read some stolen shitty yaoi. And listing out age gaps and abuse as issues that appear in manga/manhwa besides sex, makes it seem like you're not actua... Abel✯lied

    hi (●'◡'●)ノ to start, the first manhwa i've ever read was 'killing stalking' i wasn't able to finish it because if you know that manhwa, you'll know why. after that i just read popular BL manhwas and sadly most of them are toxic. i grew out of it eventually. after years, i've learned to read other genres now, i mostly enjoy action shounen and isekai shoujo these days. i know you didn't ask but i guess i just wanted to say that i am reading other works and im not just focusing on problematic stories.

    anyways, your comment did made me realize that i am, in fact, arguing with people on mangago (a site that is full of stories that i deem as problematic) but i guess i really just wanted to defend what the original poster wanted to say.

    jm already aware of the fact that those topics are widely popular because the authors know what the audience wants... that, for me, is the problem. i just didn't want that to be normalized. and to answer your question, yes it's worth the time for me. i guess i want to be the devil's advocate when it comes to topics like these. i know i may sound as a killjoy or what but i just can't let it go, sadly. but although im in the wrong setting, arguing with the wrong people, what im saying from the beginning isn't wrong, no?

    uhmm oh and thank you for being nice in the end.

    Rebeca August 13, 2024 12:14 am
    im not sure why sex is being singled out as the only problematic element in fiction. there are plenty of other issues like various types of abuse, illegal age gaps, and more that are just as concerning. when I ... rou2x

    Imo there are works that take it seriously and there are ones that don't. You can usually tell by the cover if it will take it serious or not. I think everyone can tell if something reeks of a topic they rather avoid. I read touching healing stories with both queer and straight couples in them where the man was the traumatised and was healed where the author took the topic seriously and realistic. But I wont expect emotional and logical story from a cover saying "oops I got stuck in a washing machine and my neighbour had to help me" it's up to you what you read and not. You choose, they cant force you to read something you dont like online thats why i nevet finished killing stalking. It wasnt my cup of tea. Imo I dont see anything wrong with reading porn about taboo if someone doesn't think it's okay to do it irl what they read in hentai and other pornographic comics. Ofc i also dont want to listen to someone gush about what porn they read honestly. I am not curious about it and I consider it private matters. (And before anyone say that I disregard victims feelings I'm a victim of rape myself and was in an emotionally abusive relationship. I still don't care if they read porn comics with those topics. I have more problems irl than to worry over fiction ngl. this is the least bit of the problem in the matter of)
    I agree tho that it becoming a trend isn't good. The quality of works decline and it becomes bland and no originality it feels like a factor is just pumping out the same thing with different cover. Which is boring #-.-)

    fwopfwop August 13, 2024 12:38 am
    Me when I'm on the infinite stolen shitty yaoi website and read some stolen shitty yaoi. And listing out age gaps and abuse as issues that appear in manga/manhwa besides sex, makes it seem like you're not actua... Abel✯lied

    THIS!!!! I hate it when ppl starts being so morally pariahs in the comments like red flag this red flag that or he did this so he cant be redeemed or forgiven when the redemption was justified! like those ppl are saints and havent done any mistakes. like i get it its trigerring, and romantisized, but thats the point???! its meant to be for it to be entertaining (some ppl are entertained, dont take that liberty away from them and shame them its not like they are doin it irl). not saying its right and normal, just saying that if the story is meant for it then why let it define the entire story or character? (but when its just dont poorly then pls berate the author all those trigering plot and still no growth? ew)

    what ppl should be mad about is when they recycle trigering content/ formula with no creativity added into it or done poorly. thats what triggers me. like if youre gonna add rape then atleast make the plot unique. if not then use smth else. do it properly or not at all. engage the ppl in its literature, not matter how redundant/ trigering it gets. me personally i dont mind as long as its engaging and done correctly. besides, the world is freaky as it is, so none of these would surpass rl. also if ppl dislike it, then dont read it. the spread is meant to be diversified, as it should. im more concerned with it being so accessible to young audience (im talking preteens) here. this site is srsly both a problem and a blessing, sigh

    just my two cents. thank you for reading and entertaining my thoughts, and i like that ppl in this thread remained intellectual ppls hehe. also sorry it became a rant.

    rou2x August 13, 2024 12:40 am
    Imo there are works that take it seriously and there are ones that don't. You can usually tell by the cover if it will take it serious or not. I think everyone can tell if something reeks of a topic they rather... Rebeca

    to be fair, i just ignore those obviously lewd stories like the washing machine thing that you said ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
    and they're not at all the "problematic content" that i was talking about, they are problematic though but i just don't have the energy to even read them. meaning, i do know which ones to take seriously and which ones aren't.

    oh gosh i don't know what to say. i hope whoever did those to you, gets the karma they deserve. i mean it. to be honest, the reason why im so adamant at expressing my opinion on this topic is because im surrounded with people who have had the same unfortunate experience as you. i didn't want their experience to be used as a mere plot without proper execution. i guess i want more people to be aware of the contents they are reading. i didn't want them to feel invalidated especially since these manhwas are slowly getting more popular each day. im glad that it doesn't affect you that negatively though. anyway, i dont know you at all but i hope you're doing good ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Rebeca August 13, 2024 5:00 am
    to be fair, i just ignore those obviously lewd stories like the washing machine thing that you said ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ and they're not at all the "problematic content" that i was talking a... rou2x

    I hope they rot in hell too and thank you for your words. I understand the reason people advocate against it out of concern i just think there are more serious problems than just changing the way these comics are executed. I always tought that the way you teach morals to your kids is gonna make a bigger impact than a manga/manhwa would. So I cant see it as that important. (Also I'm fairly sure the guy who did that to me never read a single one. Mangas were considered lame in my generation at the time still). Also I hope the people who went through the same as me get the help and support they need.