I jsut don’t care about the ML and the MC

Kuroitenshi17 August 12, 2024 4:40 pm

I only care about his best friend sorrynotsorry.

Also how do you go from kissing outside to a hotel and leave all your shit also you know you made plans with your friend at least man up and tell him you are sleeping with this other dude. I don’t like keeping everything a secret

Also I can’t wait for the MC to realize he’s pregnant and didn’t take the medication that the ML gave him and for the ML to admit wtf he did

    satohru August 12, 2024 8:40 pm

    when u have a really controlling best friend it’s really hard to open up everything you’re doing like not everyone shares their romantic and/or sexual experiences even to their closest friends. and its not like he was originally going to drink with his bff, he wanted to make new friends but his possessive friend decided to come along lmao

    like i liked the dude more than the ML before but alarms are slowly starting to rage on

    Kuroitenshi17 August 13, 2024 3:18 am
    when u have a really controlling best friend it’s really hard to open up everything you’re doing like not everyone shares their romantic and/or sexual experiences even to their closest friends. and its not... satohru

    It’s one thing to not tell them you don’t have to give full on tmi details but you shouldn’t lie. And they did make plans to go together shit they were about to leave together and he just ditched up and went to a hotel you don’t do that to friends. Also friendship is a two way street- when you communicate properly situations that we reading right now don’t happen. It’s the same as being in a real relationship and your partner starts doing a bunch of shady things that set off red flags and they keep telling you, you are just paranoid and place the blame on you when really your intuition was right the entire time

    french toast August 13, 2024 10:57 am
    It’s one thing to not tell them you don’t have to give full on tmi details but you shouldn’t lie. And they did make plans to go together shit they were about to leave together and he just ditched up and w... Kuroitenshi17

    do u feel this way abt every bl character cuz every one does this lmfaoooo its not that deep hes jusg controlling n overprotective period

    Kuroitenshi17 August 13, 2024 7:02 pm
    do u feel this way abt every bl character cuz every one does this lmfaoooo its not that deep hes jusg controlling n overprotective period french toast

    I think you are misunderstanding me, and NO not all BL are like this at all. I am not talking about the ML and his over protectiveness I am talking about the MC actions and how it results in his best friend’s over protectiveness.

    french toast August 14, 2024 3:53 pm
    I think you are misunderstanding me, and NO not all BL are like this at all. I am not talking about the ML and his over protectiveness I am talking about the MC actions and how it results in his best friend’s... Kuroitenshi17

    and im saying that its is in every story the main character would ditch a friend and go after their love interest because thats how plots progress. often, the friend would not think too much about it cuz they know how much the main character has been thinking about said love interest. in this case however the friend overreacts because this friend has one sided feelings for the main character. if you are to criticize the main character in this story, criticize all the others as well.

    french toast August 14, 2024 4:01 pm
    and im saying that its is in every story the main character would ditch a friend and go after their love interest because thats how plots progress. often, the friend would not think too much about it cuz they k... french toast

    in cherry blossoms after winter there are several scenes like that where someone (an acquaintance or friend) would get left behind just cuz and ppl would laugh at it, move on, or even just forget abt it cuz its not rlly that deep lol. i just dont see how minwoo is any different from those characters and why he deserves to be defended by ppl this much when if this were any other story no one would bat an eye. i just dont like his character so i rlly dont see the point in defending him or his actions

    french toast August 14, 2024 4:10 pm
    in cherry blossoms after winter there are several scenes like that where someone (an acquaintance or friend) would get left behind just cuz and ppl would laugh at it, move on, or even just forget abt it cuz its... french toast

    also it isnt even a reasonable reaction to cause a fuss and be possessive over someone just because they got carried away by the moment and accompanied a drunk person home lol even minwoo himself expressed he was sure seojun wouldnt take advantage of the mc. he just didnt like seeing then together so idk what ur on about with the whole friend abandoning thing

    Apo August 14, 2024 11:54 pm
    It’s one thing to not tell them you don’t have to give full on tmi details but you shouldn’t lie. And they did make plans to go together shit they were about to leave together and he just ditched up and w... Kuroitenshi17

    A lot is being said about Minwoo being a bad friend for being so controlling but Joohyun is also a bad friend. He's constantly cancelling plans on Minwoo and lying to him so he can spend time with Seojoon. It's bad enough when a friend does that for a boyfriend but Seojoon is just a fuck buddy, why are dropping all plans to meet up with him whenever he orders you to? Schedule a separate time and place instead.

    I don't really buy the friendship between Joohyun and Minwoo either. Minwoo probably knows every detail about Joohyun to an obsessive degree but Joohyun barely even thinks about Minwoo. In chapter 11, Joohyun wants Minwoo's advice on having a fuck buddy relationship with Seojoon but instead of being honest he said he saw it in a kdrama. He is then surprised to learn that Minwoo had never been in a relationship. How do you not know these sort of things anout your lifelong best friend?

    And when Joohyun does think about Minwoo it's always followed by 'I need to make new friends' as of Minwoo is to blame. But we see in chapter 1 Joohyun feels awkward when alone and wishes Minwoo was there. Make up your mind. Joohyun also had no idea who the brown haired sunbae was, so it's not like he's Mr popular with his classmates.

    Honestly, this friendship should end. Minwoo would probably be fine meeting new people once he gets over Joohyun as he's not socially awkward but Joohyun will struggle and become solely dependent on Seojoon, replacing a controlling friend with a controlling lover.

    Kuroitenshi17 August 15, 2024 1:35 pm
    A lot is being said about Minwoo being a bad friend for being so controlling but Joohyun is also a bad friend. He's constantly cancelling plans on Minwoo and lying to him so he can spend time with Seojoon. It's... Apo

    Thank you I didn’t want to continue to type all that out

    satohru August 15, 2024 7:33 pm
    A lot is being said about Minwoo being a bad friend for being so controlling but Joohyun is also a bad friend. He's constantly cancelling plans on Minwoo and lying to him so he can spend time with Seojoon. It's... Apo

    basically we all agree that BOTH relationships are toxic like theres no need to defend either one its just what the story is

    Kuroitenshi17 August 16, 2024 5:00 pm

    I don’t like it when people just say both are toxic when it’s bla tangly obvious that it’s a chain reaction. If the MC was just honest with his friend instead of pulling all this crap it wouldn’t affect his best friend the same way.

    It’s not cool when you are best friends with someone and as soon as they get into a relationship you no longer exist to them unless they need to u for something

    satohru August 16, 2024 9:45 pm
    I don’t like it when people just say both are toxic when it’s bla tangly obvious that it’s a chain reaction. If the MC was just honest with his friend instead of pulling all this crap it wouldn’t affect... Kuroitenshi17

    u understand ur not required to say everything even to ur closest friends? like people deserve their own privacy and are allowed to keep some secrets. if he’s making bad decisions, that’s entirely on him.

    he’s already a full adult they’re in college already. he shouldn’t be overly coddled and dependent on his friend he has to be his own person and learn from his own mistakes

    and his friend needs to learn boundaries atp he’s being too possessive and not just against the ML but also to other ppl trying to befriend MC. MC isnt gonna forget him, he’s just trying to discover things on his own

    Kuroitenshi17 August 16, 2024 9:49 pm
    u understand ur not required to say everything even to ur closest friends? like people deserve their own privacy and are allowed to keep some secrets. if he’s making bad decisions, that’s entirely on him. h... satohru

    You are talkgn about something else… you are not required to tell your friend you are getting laid whatever but at the very least you respect the friendship you have with someone and don’t cancel plans on them and make it painfully obvious something is going on which makes his friends intuition kick in that’s something is going on

    I am really hope you aren’t the type of person that would do that to your friends like the MC is doing

    Kuroitenshi17 August 16, 2024 9:50 pm
    You are talkgn about something else… you are not required to tell your friend you are getting laid whatever but at the very least you respect the friendship you have with someone and don’t cancel plans on t... Kuroitenshi17

    Or worst case scenario you are that type of person and you are going hard to defend the MC because you are projecting your own feelings into that character.

    satohru August 17, 2024 9:29 am
    Or worst case scenario you are that type of person and you are going hard to defend the MC because you are projecting your own feelings into that character. Kuroitenshi17

    making this personal is so weird like first off im too busy with university to have any romantic or sexual relationships, thats something more my friends would do. but unlike the character of this story i know my boundaries and only act or speak on things that my friends would willingly share with me. if they get fuck buddies or wtv that’s their own personal life they’re already adults to know what they’re getting into and if they fuck up that’s on them but if they tell me about it and needs some comforting or advice thats what i would do like a normal person

    MC’s friend is worried i understand that but he’s also being weirdly overly possessive about him in general cus he has ulterior motives. If the MC cancels his plans with him, why is he even hogging all MC’s time and attention in the first place anyways. MC wants to socialize for once but no his friend decided he has to go with him and even abruptly ask him to go home once he saw the ML and his controlling behavior flares up. He seemed sweet at the start but if you don’t see his obsessive behavior that’s a problem with you. All of these characters have issues

    Kuroitenshi17 August 18, 2024 3:12 pm

    Did I say his behavior is completely justified what I have been saying since the beginning but you keep kissing the point is every action had a reaction. There is a complete lack of communication me you still are not understanding me so we will agree to disagree

    french toast August 19, 2024 2:25 am
    A lot is being said about Minwoo being a bad friend for being so controlling but Joohyun is also a bad friend. He's constantly cancelling plans on Minwoo and lying to him so he can spend time with Seojoon. It's... Apo

    but you do know friends come in different levels right? joohyun treats minwoo like you would a typical friend. he seems dismissive in the story because he is preoccupied with the man he’s sleeping with. that’s the sole reason you people don’t like him. his actions arent even hateful and he’s abandoned minwoo ONCE. they made plans the recent chapters to drink together and joohyun accompanies seojun home. the other times are minwoo showing up to joohyun’s house unannounced and expecting him to hang out with him.

    you cant even say he’s lying to minwoo because what he’s refusing to disclose is his business alone and minwoo should respect that his friend is not comfortable with that. joohyun has also turned down minwoo’s invitations before and that’s perfectly okay because he isnt obligated to hang out with minwoo 24/7.

    im not defending either of the leads either. i actually do agree theyre both toxic but that’s a different topic altogether. i think we have a disagreement here regarding joohyun’s character, which i have expressed positively about.

    the post here originally was set to defend minwoo and hate on joohyun cuz “joohyun is a bad friend” when joohyun has done nothing wrong but bring a drunk person home then go home after. literally what did he do wrong there that made all of you want to crucify him its so odd

    joohyun barely thinking about minwoo is incorrect also if you actually read the manhwa or understand childhood friendships. when minwoo would sleep over, joohyun would always be considerate. theyve been around each other since childhood and joohyun treats him similar to how he treats his sister. do you want him to think of minwoo like he does with seojun?

    imo this portrayal of joohyun as a bad person is solely on the fact that we know of minwoo’s feelings toward him. if you put minwoo on some pedestal (like the person who posted the commment) and dislike joohyun because he’s this god awful friend, i recommend that you reread the manhwa cuz u must not have been reading properly if his actions were as you claim. his only ever fault is the recent accompaniment of a drunk person without prior notice. thats it.

    french toast August 19, 2024 2:28 am
    but you do know friends come in different levels right? joohyun treats minwoo like you would a typical friend. he seems dismissive in the story because he is preoccupied with the man he’s sleeping with. that�... french toast

    last paragraph is referring to op btw not the person i replied to i wasnt clear enough on that

    Kuroitenshi17 August 19, 2024 3:54 am
    last paragraph is referring to op btw not the person i replied to i wasnt clear enough on that french toast

    My original post clearly states I JUST do not care about the ML and the MC. And I didn’t like how the MC broke plans with his friend. No hate what I have is INDIFFERENCE. I just want th best friend to have a happy ending

    french toast August 19, 2024 4:19 am
    My original post clearly states I JUST do not care about the ML and the MC. And I didn’t like how the MC broke plans with his friend. No hate what I have is INDIFFERENCE. I just want th best friend to have a ... Kuroitenshi17

    right hate might be too intense maybe dislike is a better term. i just use it lightly so i dont rlly see the diff lol but you said u dont like him keeping secrets and agreed on a comment that said joohyun was a bad friend tho