Well that was disappointing despite it starting out good. It’s very clear that author tr...

Ciel August 12, 2024 4:36 pm

Well that was disappointing despite it starting out good. It’s very clear that author tried to stand out by adding a bad plot twist to their otherwise highly recycled plot.
Heck even this plot twist wasn’t anything I haven’t seen before, but I hate it everytime I see it.
First we’re led to believe the handsome, alpha teacher is the top and the cute student omega is the bottom yet they somehow go against their natures just to be edgy ig.
It would’ve been better had they both been omegas instead
Very boring bland read. How is it possible for all the manga’s by this author to be misses.
And here I thought this was finally going to be their first good manga.
Translators pls pick up manga’s by better authors this is a waste
