Find new manhwa's name: doctor human top (?) x vampire bottom

Birdy August 12, 2024 4:24 pm

I've just read a new manhwa (just release about 6-8 chapters) about a vampire (bottom) captured by humans, muzzled and chained. Bottom was injured and was not allowed to drink blood so he was quite weak. Bottom's captor brought in a doctor (top) - also a slave or being captured?, for treatment. Even though Bottom is a vampire, he seems to be quite a soft-hearted person. At the beginning of the story, while his fellow humans drained human blood, Bottom deliberately spared a boy. In the following chapters, Bottom can kill Top, but because he remembers that Top saved him, he absentmindedly drops the weapon. Because this story is quite new, at that time I didn't pay attention to the name of the story and only skimmed it so now I can't find it again. If anyone knows, please tell me the name of the story. Thanks a lot
