It has no substance

Ciel August 12, 2024 11:43 pm

MC has nothing going for her, hence making it very hard to root for her or to even like her char. She’s bland, stupid, useless and greedy.
Honestly she’s nothing besides her FAKE appearance and charms.
It doesn’t help much that she indirectly keeps hurting innocent ppl without a care.
Poor Roger’s problems are only amplified by her uselessness, even his mother wouldn’t have died had it not been for her.
We don’t know yet whether it’s all just a game or a parallel reality. Even in a game one shouldn’t be so guilt free, it reflects poorly on her morals.
Not to mention her awfully cringe seductions methods.
With her powers she could’ve ruled the kingdom, but unfortunately it’s wasted on her dull brain.
The plot is recycled, MC is useless and unlikable, just what were the team behind this webtoon thinking?
I’m bothered because it’s obviously of higher quality and it had a lot of potential given this type of plot is to my liking.
Did they forget that we’re actually supposed to like the MC to continue reading it? So far I’m either indifferent or borderline dislike her char.
These companies just pump out these nonsense webtoons without substance for cash grab.

    Yourmompudding August 14, 2024 1:36 am

    I hope no SA survivor ever meets someone as unlikeable as you. Let's completely disregard all the traumatic events and victim-blame instead: "It wouldn't have happened if you were smart." Even in a game, one shouldn't be so guilt-free. What do I hear? Hypocrisy? Keep it up; you're doing great with your internalized misogyny

    Ciel August 14, 2024 11:26 am
    I hope no SA survivor ever meets someone as unlikeable as you. Let's completely disregard all the traumatic events and victim-blame instead: "It wouldn't have happened if you were smart." Even in a game, one sh... Yourmompudding

    Way to take things out of proportion Sherlock. Just when exactly did she get SA? There’s always a knight in shining armor to save her ass.
    She was the attention seeker who turned the charm all the way up. Those innocent ppl are literally dying because of her greed yet she’s the only victim here to u? Stupid actions have consequences.
    Imo a trail of innocent dead bodies is far worse than what she’s going trough, u might want to get off that fake high moral pedestal.
    Why are u so proud that she’s guild free about the victims? Do u think those ppl want to act the way that they do? It’s literally disgusting how she treats their lives like ants and runs into the arms of a male lead as soon as they’re within her vicinity.
    Nowhere did I say she deserves what she’s going through, she’s also a victim of her own actions however the way she’s handling things isn’t right one bit.
    Critizing a badly written female character ISN’T misogyny. Ur one of those uber sensitive snowflakes whom no one can have a productive conversation with.
    There’s bad and worse here, but it all comes down to her

    Yourmompudding August 14, 2024 3:04 pm
    Way to take things out of proportion Sherlock. Just when exactly did she get SA? There’s always a knight in shining armor to save her ass. She was the attention seeker who turned the charm all the way up. Tho... Ciel

    Are you unable to let go of the hypocrisy? Why don't you take your own advice and get off your high horse? I still stand by what I said. Are you saying I'm blowing things out of proportion? But at the same time, you can't even identify SA? You do know that attempted rape is still SA, right? Touching someone inappropriately, even without penetration? Unwanted sexual advances, comments, and gestures? Right? And how is your comment, "there is always a knight in shining armor to save her ass" not minimizing and downplaying what happened? So because somebody saved her before it could get even worse, it's still not bad and SA? And what greed exactly? Wanting to survive? Not wanting to be assaulted? Trying to find a way to be in a safe environment? Is her wanting to stay close to the one who doesn’t act crazy towards her, rather than the one who tried to sexually assault her, so crazy? Is her wanting to return to her world? And what if they don’t want to act the way they do? Does that magically make things better for her, or will she still be traumatized by it? Shouldn't she defend and protect herself both mentally and physically just because it’s not intentional? Obviously, she’s not going to react in the best way possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s badly written for this particular reason. It’s almost like this is a normal human reaction, making far worse decisions in a stressful situation. Is this what stupidity is to you? Maladaptation? And guilt-free about what? She clearly exhibits guilt, other than the fact that she never was the one who killed anyone, but let’s point fingers there because it’s easier or maybe you should point your finger towards those who actually killed them. And not feeling guilt doesn’t really mean anything; there are multiple medical conditions where people don’t feel guilt, but they are still way more tactful and mindful than you

    Ciel August 14, 2024 4:52 pm
    Are you unable to let go of the hypocrisy? Why don't you take your own advice and get off your high horse? I still stand by what I said. Are you saying I'm blowing things out of proportion? But at the same time... Yourmompudding

    She doesn’t show guilt except towards ML’s mother due to her identity, her main char syndrome is quite severe. She never thinks about other’s deaths, only how she needs to choose a husband blah.

    She seems to only seek male validation under the guise of love, which is quite toxic. Despite claiming to love ML, she doesn’t fail to blush whenever the other male leads flirt with her. Conveniently enough she doesn’t seem traumatised enough to not like the attention from them. Only now does she refuse their advances because she’s supposed to reach an ending with only 1 of them rather than starting a harem, but u cannot deny that her behaviour has been nothing short of promiscuous. I view girls like her who put male attention above all else as dangerous. So far, she hasn’t shown any traits that make her relatable or appealing. Being a victim of her circumstances doesn’t mean I’m obligated to like her just because of her gender. It has everything to do with the superficial writing on author’s part.
    A good MC is supposed to be complex, interesting and likeable. Otherwise they’re only going to attract the support of a very small % of readers for whatever reason it may be. To me she’s none of those.
    Fact remains that her char is unremarkable and fails to inspire my full support.

    It seems like you’re making excuses for her character, but you’re not her psychologist. My opinions are based on what I’ve observed from her. You might be reading too much into this; it’s just a low quality comic so chill out. I’m not here to discuss SA matters with u. It might be worth seeking therapy for your own unresolved issues if you’re projecting so much onto a character with no real depth.

    Love struck and superficial female characters are my pet peeve, so why should I like her? You can’t impose your opinions on others, and it’s important to accept that.

    Yourmompudding August 14, 2024 6:16 pm
    She doesn’t show guilt except towards ML’s mother due to her identity, her main char syndrome is quite severe. She never thinks about other’s deaths, only how she needs to choose a husband blah. She seem... Ciel

    I never said that you have to like her, nor do I dislike or like her. But I don't appreciate the way you expressed your opinion in the original comment, completely disregarding and minimizing the SA, because this is the main problem. And your comment now presuming my potential issues was completely unnecessary.
    Anyway, a good main character doesn’t need to be likeable. There are multiple works, even in classical literature, where the main character is definitely not likeable, and the author doesn’t intend for the reader to like them. Would I say she is a complex character? No, but do I think some of her actions are completely appropriate and understandable? Yes. Still, I don't like that you equate complexity with stupidity and weakness, because if we have to talk about complexity, Roger is not any better.
    Other than this, I don't see her putting male attention above all else; she is using them, and the "attention" is mainly for survival. I can agree that she feels attraction for their exterior, but there are clear behaviors that express fear when encountering them, especially with the other two. However, I do agree it's not well written, other than the fact that the author actually includes these seduction scenes because they sell. Later, she does catch feelings for Roger, and Roger feels something for her too, but both are quite superficial; neither of them knows each other.
    And the reason why she feels guilty about the ML's mother was not due to her identity, but because she did have a pleasant experience with her and felt secure with her before the ML's mother lost her mind. Even here, I can agree it wasn't well written, but this is where the writer was going. And for the other deaths? She is not responsible (not even for the mother). Why would she feel guilty about it? Regardless of the fact it wasn't intentional by them to assault her, I don't think she should feel guilty for protecting herself. And the deaths caused by the crazy trio are their responsibility; they were already like this even before she was there