Yuri chill the fuck out

Jay August 12, 2024 1:54 am

It gives me the ick when Yuri always call him a manwh*re and doesn't trust him. Like bro I get that you're anxious but there's no need to go overboard??? I STAND WITH YOHAN but I still love them tho.

    OtenTheWanderer August 12, 2024 4:36 am

    Yuri's a virginal 21 year old, fresh in a relationship but he switches between the mental capacity of a therapist and an angry twelve year old incel

    Je re August 12, 2024 4:44 am
    Yuri's a virginal 21 year old, fresh in a relationship but he switches between the mental capacity of a therapist and an angry twelve year old incel OtenTheWanderer

    True, like give him some time for development he's going through stuffs too. I don't get why people be always hating yuri for everything, I mean they failed to understand him :)

    Jay August 12, 2024 6:07 am
    Yuri's a virginal 21 year old, fresh in a relationship but he switches between the mental capacity of a therapist and an angry twelve year old incel OtenTheWanderer

    I understand that, I don't actually hate him, it's just I can't stand it whenever he says those things like Mr. Lee would sleep with others behind his back even if they are already dating.

    Meteora August 12, 2024 6:07 pm

    Pissed me off too. I'm just glad Seonwoo had the patience to put up with him every time bc I would've been hurt especially when he still kept telling me that altho I alr told him I regretted my past.