
ChickenButt August 12, 2024 1:29 am

Are people really trying to turn this against Kang when Yiyoung was the one who decided to lie in the moment? Can a man not ask a question, god damn.

Now imagine if this was Kang in Yiyoung’s place, being hit on by a cute guy, Kang decides to go on that date (or hang out) despite knowing the guy likes him. Yiyoung finds out. Yiyoung is not comfortable with that and his partner is kinda oblivious and decides to lie, but then apologizes to you later. It’s an icky situation, right?

I know y’all would be mad as hell if roles were reversed, so idk why anyone trying to promote borderline cheating and act like Kang committed a crime by asking a simple question.

And don’t ever think Yiyoung would cheat, I just thought it was icky, he’s too much of a simp for Kang. Doyeon could never keep his pp in his pants.

The only time Yiyoung can be friends with Doyeon is when Doyeon stops being a creep and gets his own partner.


Everyone chill, the only scene you should be mad at is the angry sex in raws. And being mad at Doyeon the most is the right answer.

    Night August 17, 2024 9:29 am

    Wow, you really wrote exactly what I wanted to say....

    everyone is always with the MC in all the stories even if he was bad or did something bad but if the ML did the same thing everyone will hate him and criticize him forever....

    Yi is always sweet and lovable but here he was wrong and he will repeat what he did, and I don't like his actions seem like cheating..

    and I think the story will continue like this I don't know how long,....
    and there are those who support Yi with Doyeon and this is strange after everything that happened between them in the main story... Just coz something that Kang said while he was drunk, they completely deleted him,

    this is frustrating, I think I will leave until it is completed

    ChickenButt August 17, 2024 2:10 pm
    Wow, you really wrote exactly what I wanted to say.... everyone is always with the MC in all the stories even if he was bad or did something bad but if the ML did the same thing everyone will hate him and criti... Night

    Anyone who supports Yi and Dohyeon together, I’m sure they’re projecting