You know..

Bee August 12, 2024 12:39 am

I was worried fl would be very meek and a pushover but I’m glad from what we’re reading so far she doesn’t appear to be. Everything she does is very straightforward especially when she finds out about Taeha’s affair. Sometimes it’s best to quietly start preparing to leave them than confront the cheater.
That aside the discourse of dick size in the comments is funny to read. Tho I do hope people remember that bigger is not always better. You can actually tear your v from it. What good is a guy with big dick if all hes gonna do is pump and not please his partner? sex isn’t just about penetration.

    Ahusha August 12, 2024 9:43 pm

    exactly bút still TAEHA is freaking hot

    Bee August 13, 2024 7:57 am
    exactly bút still TAEHA is freaking hot Ahusha

    lol idk about that. He just looks like your standard Black hair douche, but ig that’s because I’m more into women lol.

    michael jackson August 13, 2024 9:10 pm
    lol idk about that. He just looks like your standard Black hair douche, but ig that’s because I’m more into women lol. Bee
