Oh yes !! The Mona Lisa smile in the last panel , with music and a sunnier lighting he would look happy :, -)
The author expressed things differently this time, we don't get to see Skylar's face that much, BUT, Author left clues : have you noticed that Skylar's jacket had A CAP ?? : - o but he forgets he has one !! So he just stands in the rain and gets completely rinced : - o that's a mood in itself !!! _ then , another detail, have you noticed that he said Cirrus that he would be there in '' one minute '' but in the end , Cirrus was never able to get news from him, while he's waiting for Skylar's text, he waits and waits, and has no idea what Skylar is doing, and why he doesn't text back, and then Skylar reappears with an umbrella AND he even went somewhere to put on dry clothes !! And while he did that, (went somewhere) he didn't say to Cirrus that he was going to be late, he just went radio silent, and reappeared later on, in front of the animal hospital instead of waiting for Cirrus at the station. _ so why did he go silent, (maybe his smartphone died but that's probably another reason. He was probably not in the mood of seeing Cirrus straight away !! And he probably wasn't really sure that he would be in the mood anymore so he didn't say anything instead of texting Cirrus . (We can only suppose things)

It's also a sign of intelligence to understand that it is not. possible. to read minds !!! You can only GUESS from a facial expression, i mean, at least you know that you fon't know, and i join you on that, i also know that i don't know : -)
Me think we should never assume to truly know what's going on in the head of the person. !!! There are many reasons to laugh or smile, for example, i used to laugh of course when i was amused, but also when i was feeling uneasy / nervous , so sometimes i would get misunderstood, until one day , a little kid asked me '' why are you laughing, miss ? "and i then realized how it could look from the outside. Now i always make the subtitles for the other person when i feel an irrepressible urge to laugh out my tension/nervousness , i always explain that i am laughing because i feel nervous and it helps to not make the other person think i am laughing at them = making fun of them, or disregarding their feelings, or something. _
i've read the raw and idk whether I lack emotional intelligence but I can't understand skylars facial expression at all like Idk how he feel