I mean that can be said for everyone tbh, the FL only really cares for what she goes through as well. In a way, both are traumatized. Realistically, if he were the mc- people would be much more sympathetic with him and his reasoning with his trauma. At most ppl would feel bad for the girl but wouldn’t blame him. The only reason ppl are real mad is because the girl is the mc and it’s her POV. The whole “he’s only thinking of what he’s going through” isn’t the best argument since the mc does the same.

I think people are mad about him killing her 4 times even though he saw that her dad couldn’t care less about her, she is irrelevant to what he’s went through. Also think it makes sense that she only cares about what she goes through, she was just killed. I would personally not like a mc that kills an innocent person over and over again and still ends up with the person they killed. Just my take

Yeah, I get that. But I’m just specifically saying the “he only thinks about what he goes through” argument is flawed since it specifically applied to both of them. Both of them didn’t interfere with the other until later. She didn’t come near him until she was unable to ignore him any longer. When she heard of him being tortured, she never tried to help and was like a bystander. A popular saying is that a bystander is just as bad as the perpetrator. I’m not blaming the FL, it’s more so I don’t dislike right the ML or FL. I’m just more sympathetic towards the ML rather than blindly hating him. It also makes sense that he only cares about what he goes through. They’re both selfish in their own ways. The FL said it herself that her family is bad, hence why the world would all think every family member has done bad things. How many times has abused victims also become the abuser due to the effects? Maybe that’s his line of thought. Being abused doesn’t automatically grant the innocent pass without proof.
Anyways my take is that I’m generally a neutral person. I like to see both sides. I completely get how annoying it is on the FL’s side. But I get why the ML can’t break out of his mindset since he was never taught any better by anyone who genuinely cared for him.

I agree that FL didn't interfere to save him from the torture but if we see things realistically she was terrified of her father. By just the stare of him she'd shiver. It would be risking her life to protect the ML. It's a survival instict every child possess. It was her luck that she didn't die while saving ML and was able to offer a deal to her father in her current life.
Still neither I'm justifying her nor I'm saying she's a saint and didn't do anything wrong. But she doesn't deserve death for being unable to protect a random kid.
Genuinely speaking ML is not obsessed with killing the father but more like with KILLING HER. He hates the fact that SHE keeps on reviving and living happily while he goes through hardships.
I just don't understand how this hatred of a murderer and fear of a victim would convert into love and affection.
Yes i hate the ml and his self-centered actions. Yes I'll call it self-centered, i can understand his hate towards the family and the father but killing the whole lineage just because they share the blood? Like did she choose to share the blood with her father?
Infact she's treated even worse and yet he says that's unimportant? At first i thought he didn't actually mean to kill her and she keeps killing her herself but seeing his blinded hate i can't justify his actions towards the girl.
He's only thinking about what he's been going through and not what the girl goes through? She's going insane from the deaths too and it's not her fault.
He doesn't deserve the forgiveness from the girl ngl
PS: Everyone has their own opinions, i only shared mine