Let's remove the rose colored glasses for a sec.

Mangame August 12, 2024 3:34 am

This is pre-ship sailing arc
Incoming rant... it's okay to disagree.
Kazehaya was a selfish, conceited and manipulative boy- a closet narcissist who gaslit and weaponized Sawako's emotional naiveté and feelings to cause her to chase after him and have multiple misunderstandings. On numerous occasions he threw the ball in her court and guilted her- every time he got jealous, he took it out on her and made her the bad guy and feel bad instead of explaining and clearing things up. He knew she had a complex about others thoughts and feelings about her, he knew she didn't understand more mature adolescent thoughts and emotions such as like vs love, when people would joke vs being serious and taking things literally vs figuratively.

I can't just chalk this to a young love and that they were both floundering. He knew he liked her but never outright said or explained to her, just strung her along with insinuations. Also, at the beginning, he was always the receiver, she gave him gifts and he gave her nothing (Christmas, birthday, valentines /white day) yet he expected from her and didn't reciprocate those actions. Yeah he talked to her from time to time, but he also was holding back to make her come to him. Case in point, when chizu used to meddle when they were younger and told him when another girl liked him and he was miffed and asked why the girl didn't tell him herself- what so she can come and he reject her?

He rejected Ume but accepted her chocolates despite rejecting others, while being frustrated about not receiving chocolates from Sawako. Phone works both ways buddy- he could have asked, but no.

Then 2nd year, ugh
the misunderstandings continued to pile up. Miura sticking his nose where it didn't really belong, ume going off on Sawako and even Chizu and Ayane saying she's the problem. But it was not all Sawako's fault. He was jealous of her friendship qith Miura and others, he made no effort. He knew she was trying to protect his image and keep others from misunderstanding that there was a romantic relationship between them to prevent him from being disliked. (She literally had no clue he liked her more than an acquaintance, because shes emotionally naive and never had positive relationships with others besides her parents and that one childhood girl friend). Everyone made her feel inferior. Kazehaya may have said he liked her in front of the other boys, but he straight up neglected to clear up any misunderstandings. Then threw it at her and said, "our like is not the same, right?" She dont know what he's feeling and shes being told by others that he doesnt like her or that he likes someone else, so she confirms it. Instead of asking more or talking through and gaining a clear understanding, he walks away and basically ignores her and makes her feel anguish. That boy pushed her into a corner with his words and basically forced her hand to profess her like and feelings to him before he basically said "same" and all is right in their world?

    Mangame August 19, 2024 10:47 pm
    You have selective reading skills. Please actually read the part where Kazehaya talked to Ryuu, Miura, Chizu, Pin and Ayane about what he feels and thinks about their situation. The way you argue made me realiz... RandomPasserby

    You thought you ate with that, didn't you? I'm not playing guessing games nor will I play yours. I clearly stated I read the story more than once and coming back to it, I initiated a topic of conversation that invited you to take the rose colored glasses off. You clearly didn't since you're hellbent on insulting others for having an opinion and thinking "well maybe this isn't quite nice how he treated her or behaved." Your argument further cements that you're clearly the one who looked at the manga with starry eyes, for sweetness and heart clouds and fail to correlate that maybe, just maybe, no matter if they ended up together, or that they got their HEA, the lead up was not so great. Certain behaviors and questionable personality traits were there, I outlined why I came to the opinion I did, but you chose to become a mad dog. I also pointed out that Kazehaya talked to others (all those conversations were either incomplete or a waste of breath). Sit in a corner and draw circles. Dismissed

    RandomPasserby August 19, 2024 11:08 pm
    Not denying that Kimi Ni Todoke was a good story. Not am idenying Kazehaya had his own worries and insecurities. Kazehaya may have encouraged her to reach her friends and those around her, but the confusion als... AniBae

    Like i just simply dont get how you can say that Kazehaya never clarified his feelings. First, he confessed in front of everyone, then he told Sawako how he never treated her like everyone else, that he was giving her special treatment, then he tried to clarify if their feelings are different, and Sawako, with her own mouth, said yes. Kazehaya made the big confession, made his feelings clear, he waited for Sawako's response and she said, yes our feelings are different and thats when he starts avoiding her. He never ran away from her response, he was just avoiding her cause he got rejected.

    Like what is he supposed to clarify? Sawako nodded to him asking if she likes him but then said yes our feelings are not the same when he asked. Dude did all the right procedure, but people are like, he should have stayed and forced his feelings on her. What was he supposed to do? He told Sawako, i give you special treatment babe and Sawako is like oh he gives me special treatment cause im pitiful, he never treated me like everyone else because he never believed in me and when he started ignoring her, cause he was hurt after getting rejected people are like oh hes running away! Like is he supposed to act the same after getting rejected? Like just smile and wave boys! he was clear with his feelings so the person, who was misinterpreting everything all on her own, must be one to move forward. Cause he already did, how clear can he be? Like yall are readers, not Sawako's thought process. You can see him talking, asking, clarifying everything but Sawako, poisoned by Miura's words, misundertood everything! But you guys arent Sawako, you know how Kazehaya feels, you saw his side, so him literally saying "I like you" shouldnt have been misunderstood! Him explaining his feelings to Sawako and asking her if their feelings are actually not the same, should have been clear to you guys. Like what did he do that was not clear? What did Sawako did that made it clear to him? Nothing! So since Kazehaya used his words, Sawako has to as well, or everything will never be resolved. Because Kazehaya was as clear as he could be, and Sawako was the only one who never clarified her feelings!

    RandomPasserby August 19, 2024 11:08 pm
    Not denying that Kimi Ni Todoke was a good story. Not am idenying Kazehaya had his own worries and insecurities. Kazehaya may have encouraged her to reach her friends and those around her, but the confusion als... AniBae

    Like i just simply dont get how you can say that Kazehaya never clarified his feelings. First, he confessed in front of everyone, then he told Sawako how he never treated her like everyone else, that he was giving her special treatment, then he tried to clarify if their feelings are different, and Sawako, with her own mouth, said yes. Kazehaya made the big confession, made his feelings clear, he waited for Sawako's response and she said, yes our feelings are different and thats when he starts avoiding her. He never ran away from her response, he was just avoiding her cause he got rejected.

    Like what is he supposed to clarify? Sawako nodded to him asking if she likes him but then said yes our feelings are not the same when he asked. Dude did all the right procedure, but people are like, he should have stayed and forced his feelings on her. What was he supposed to do? He told Sawako, i give you special treatment babe and Sawako is like oh he gives me special treatment cause im pitiful, he never treated me like everyone else because he never believed in me and when he started ignoring her, cause he was hurt after getting rejected people are like oh hes running away! Like is he supposed to act the same after getting rejected? Like just smile and wave boys! he was clear with his feelings so the person, who was misinterpreting everything all on her own, must be one to move forward. Cause he already did, how clear can he be? Like yall are readers, not Sawako's thought process. You can see him talking, asking, clarifying everything but Sawako, poisoned by Miura's words, misundertood everything! But you guys arent Sawako, you know how Kazehaya feels, you saw his side, so him literally saying "I like you" shouldnt have been misunderstood! Him explaining his feelings to Sawako and asking her if their feelings are actually not the same, should have been clear to you guys. Like what did he do that was not clear? What did Sawako did that made it clear to him? Nothing! So since Kazehaya used his words, Sawako has to as well, or everything will never be resolved. Because Kazehaya was as clear as he could be, and Sawako was the only one who never clarified her feelings!

    RandomPasserby August 19, 2024 11:26 pm
    You thought you ate with that, didn't you? I'm not playing guessing games nor will I play yours. I clearly stated I read the story more than once and coming back to it, I initiated a topic of conversation that... Mangame

    Hey, did you read chapter 35 where Kazehaya confesssed to everyone he likes Sawako, told Sawako he gave her special treatments, repeated that he likes her, asked if their like is different and Sawako was like yeah? You failed to read that part? Ok. Cause you said Kazehaya was never clear with his feelings and didnt listen to her and just walked away.

    Im gonna say this again, Sawako was the one who was never clear with her feelings. He misinterpreted Kazehaya saying he gave her special treatment as him never believing in her and thinking she was pitiful. Kazehaya conveyed his feelings as much as he could. And when Sawako said yes to him saying our feelings are not the same, it was clear Sawako rejected him. Also i insulted you, cause you refused to actually read and just based off your opinion on how you like to interpret the character. You refused to also listen to peoples explanation and was just vehement on making a character seem like a manipulative asshole. You made up scenarios where Kazehaya was never clear with his feelings and just walked away without listening to Sawako, when in reality, Sawako was not even trying to explain anything and Kazehaya tried as best as he could to clarify everything. He only started avoiding her cause he was hurt from being rejected.

    You cannot form a criticism from made up scenarios, therefore, your criticsm and opinion is not valid.

    RandomPasserby August 19, 2024 11:32 pm
    You thought you ate with that, didn't you? I'm not playing guessing games nor will I play yours. I clearly stated I read the story more than once and coming back to it, I initiated a topic of conversation that... Mangame

    Also, why are you lying that you read it more than once? How can you miss chapter 35? How can you say Kazehaya was never clear with his feelings and how Sawako was the only one doing the work? Ah reading comprehension problems, sht sorry i forgot about the part where you lack certain skills.

    loseytuney August 30, 2024 7:02 pm
    Also, why are you lying that you read it more than once? How can you miss chapter 35? How can you say Kazehaya was never clear with his feelings and how Sawako was the only one doing the work? Ah reading compre... RandomPasserby


    AniBae August 30, 2024 9:58 pm
    Kazehaya already made the big confession multiple times. In chapter 1, he already asked her to go out with him. In a later chapter, he confessed in front of a large group of people how he feels about Sawako. H... RandomPasserby

    He made these “confessions” at a time she was socially awkward and still just attempting to engage with those around her. He realize her like was of respect at that time. She herself didn’t know how she felt. We can’t ignore that. I’ll reiterate that she didn’t want him to feel the burden of gossip and misunderstanding of their peers when he was already so respected and liked by everyone so of course she would not want his reputation to be tarnished like hers. kazehaya picked up on the cues that she may have misunderstandings about his feelings toward her. That’s where he should’ve stepped up and made it clear to her. He could have also done this privately so she wouldn’t feel the pressure of their peers. But at the times he was opportune enough to meet her privately he didn’t leave room for her to say all she was thinking. At the time of her confession he even apologized to her and said he would listen in the future. He knew he kept pushing her away because he was afraid of what she would say and rather than hear her out he chose to loose himself inside his head and own thinkings instead of clarifying. No matter whether he talked with outsiders the key is that he was not rationalizing his feelings with sawakao herself personally. When he tried to see if their feelings were different he didn’t wait for her explanation he just heard yes and cut the convo there. This crushed sawako and forced her to make a big move even though she was not the type to be the center of attention. We see his thoughts as readers and watchers but sawako does not because she’s not on his head and no matter who they talk to amongst their friends or teachers those friends are only giving hints about the other persons feeling and not telling them straight out what they know or heard because their idea is to let the potential couple figure it out for themselves without giving too much away. This only added to the confusion of both parties. Just because his thoughts seemed pure doesn’t mean his actions were entirely

    RandomPasserby August 30, 2024 11:35 pm
    He made these “confessions” at a time she was socially awkward and still just attempting to engage with those around her. He realize her like was of respect at that time. She herself didn’t know how she f... AniBae

    Kazehaya did not pick up any cues. In his conversation with Ryu, he said he thought Sawako didnt like her so much that she didnt want anyone to misunderstand their relationship. This is why i said that we can actually see what Kazehaya was thinking. Kazehaya thought he was annoying Sawako to the point that his confession made her cry.

    Kazehaya was struggling too, ya know? hes always grasping at straws trying to understand Sawako. There literally was nothing wrong with what Kazehaya did. When he confessed to Sawako in front of people, it was because everyone was making fun of her. People were acting like noone could actually like her, which pissed him off. He didnt intentionally put her on the spot by making a grand confession in public, he was just pissed off by how his friends were acting.

    Thing is, while Sawako cant see how Kazehaya thinks, he also cant. Like i realized this a bit later in life too, but when people understood you once, it doesnt mean they will understand you forever. Those god-like friends who was always by your side are struggling too. The world does not revolve around you just because youre struggling more. Thats why you gotta eventually learn to stand up on your own two feet, so you can also be there for others. In all honesty, once you realize all these shits, everything just become better in your perspective.