I mean,now that Doyeon knows that Jinjoo is actually a victim of a pedo,will she be more s...

TENYN August 11, 2024 4:52 pm

I mean,now that Doyeon knows that Jinjoo is actually a victim of a pedo,will she be more sympathetic toward her and try to get to know Jinjoo finally,simply ask her questions about herself maybe,Jinjoo i feel like she needs to vanish away from Doyeon and her dumbass husband,i personally know a woman who was taken advantage by an older guy and now she's grown with a husband and kids yet never has had or has orgasms when she has sex with her husband and yet he knows bit still has sex with her fulfilling his own needs.

Doyeon ain't nothing but a lustful,possessive freak show at this point,she listened to Jinjoo and her husband through the walls and waited like a a crazy person for Jinjoo to show up,fucked her then basically mentally abused then blackmailed her,Jinjoo i bet is gonna have a mental break down,she doesn't have friends or much any life experience and that why in one of the chapters she was comparing herself to Doyeon and said Doyeon shinned brighter than she ever did when she was young,Jinjoo has a lot of emotional and mental development to do.

The one thing that she has is her body and that's the one thing that both Doyeon and her husband seem to want more than her heart and since all that's left is her heart,all that she basically owns now is her heart...is the reason why she can't give the last thing she has to any of them because if they take and abuse that too then there will be nothing left of her.
