ML is too rude

SiamesePen August 11, 2024 11:03 am

I'm at ch 13 and the ML is so rude and unlikeable, while the MC is emotionless with no real personality.
Is there anything to continue reading for?
I think the bad boy stuff the ML is being shaped into is just cringe, and it's getting annoying to read a story with no one that Id care about. Why care about who between the daughter and son will be Emperor? Especially since we saw the future and know the answer. There's no stakes and no story.
I'm only 13 Ch in though so please let me know if things change.

    SiamesePen August 11, 2024 11:09 am

    I guess him slapping another guy's hand like that was my last straw lol, like why do you think you're entitled to the MC when the last time you spoke to her you were rushing to leave and talking so rudely to her you were thinking her anger was 'cute' with no self reflection.

    SiamesePen August 11, 2024 11:11 am
    I guess him slapping another guy's hand like that was my last straw lol, like why do you think you're entitled to the MC when the last time you spoke to her you were rushing to leave and talking so rudely to he... SiamesePen

    The way the MC is treated just seems sexist. She is always trying to improve herself, but her brother and the ML assume she wouldn't care and keep judging her without looking at themselves first.

    Just Ly September 1, 2024 12:17 am

    They changed. As you read farther they change. The ML became gentle. Most gentle. The MC learn how to express herself. The story is lovely actually.

    SiamesePen September 1, 2024 5:13 pm
    They changed. As you read farther they change. The ML became gentle. Most gentle. The MC learn how to express herself. The story is lovely actually. Just Ly

    Is it? Thanks for your perspective.