They both cheated…

Mylai88 August 11, 2024 7:37 am

Just bc one cheated first doesn’t justify the second one cheating and not just breaking up with him also.. he wasn’t getting enough attention.. break up, so the ex is a loser also.. now in this world alpha and omega are more destined for each other, so if their was an excuse… that is more of a reason.. they are obviously soul mates in this omegaverse… now the ex just wants sex and attention. I’m already invested so I’m def going to read until the end lol.. I hate cheating BUT it’s a story and it doesn’t involve me.. so oh well haha I hope the professor ends up happy. I don’t give a shit about his son tbh, I hope they have a baby and live happily ever after… like a cliche corny love story.. it’s going in that direction anyway.
